Monday, November 06, 2017
Down But Not Out
Feel free to come on in and browse, but I've got stuff I need to take care of, so I won't be doing any new internettin' 'til Wednesday. That means I won't be moderating any comments and responding to email or social media communications.
Exclusive: What Happens In Vegas…
Once bump stocks have been given up, what surrender will be demanded next? Will those doing the demanding be emboldened or discouraged by those who cede without a fight? Can a pack of circling jackals be persuaded to leave you alone by offering a compromise and throwing them a scrap of flesh? [More]We know the goals and we know the intentions of those who would disarm Americans to establish a monopoly of violence. We know they’ll never be satisfied to let what happened in Vegas stay in Vegas.
My newest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column is now online.
We're the Only Ones Coy Enough
“If there was a stand-down order, they wouldn’t put it on paper — let’s put it that way — because they know in the age of [Freedom of Information Act] requests and stuff like that … it would be a verbal thing,” Giacalone said. “It wouldn’t come down on a tactical plan for sure.” [More]Jojo Krako policing:
Who's standin' down?
We're notifyin' supervisors!
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Unwanted Enough
Indianapolis’ police chief suspended two officers over the fatal shooting of an unarmed black motorist Monday and has recommended they be fired. [More]Hey, who changed the rules of engagement? Besides, they'd completed their prime directive.
Judgment Day
"Well, I've had violent threats levied against me, so y'all are leaving me at home without protection," Williams said. [More]Welcome to the party, pal. Is having special privileges and immunities what his lawyer meant by "He has spent his life defending the Constitution of the United States"?
[Via Neil W]
The Left Coast
Democrats Poised for Complete Dominance in the West [More]And cultural terraforming will complete the job.
Not that this has anything to do with that "single issue"...
[Via Neil W]
The Fact Is
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Because the fact is we can see how reliable your political predictions have proven in the past:
Actions Have Consequences
Good for Akima LLC! [More]
Indignant "progressive" comments notwithstanding, we should all have the right to dissasociate ourselves from people we don't want to be with due to their objectionable conduct.
And for all we know, this could have just been the final straw.
Indignant "progressive" comments notwithstanding, we should all have the right to dissasociate ourselves from people we don't want to be with due to their objectionable conduct.
And for all we know, this could have just been the final straw.
No Irony Here
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So am I supposed to feel bad if I see Alpha's Michael Cirker, Philip Kihlagard and Bogdan ColakovÃc, and the Perry Capital gang carted off in tumbrils?
[Via Steve T]
Chicago Dawg
Still pointing the gun at the workers, Pouncy stooped over to collect the cash, Antonietti said. Shifting the gun in his waistband as he ran out, he apparently pulled the trigger, firing a bullet that struck him in the penis, Antonietti said. [More]So I guess it's down to him and Cleveland for the trophy?
And what the hell's with the "Stop Gun Violence" click-through to a Bloomberg-backed gun-grab campaign at the bottom of what is supposed to be straight news?
[Via Steve T]
Armed American Radio Redux
If you missed last night and want to hear it, the archive is up. [Listen]
I was on in Hour Three, when Mark Walters resurrected the Roundtable with Neil W. McCabe and George "Mad Ogre" Hill. Naturally the Texas Church killings dominated the discussion, but we also got to talk briefly about state gun ratings, a subject I got a last-second opinion in on, and one I've got the perfect guy to elaborate on if the conversation carries forward.
I'm Super Cereal
We Should Ban Cars From Big Cities. Seriously [More]I mean, if we can't take a "progressive" in a beret seriously, who can we take seriously?
Hey, I'm being cereal here:
[Via Felix B]
Somos Los Unicos
The paper reports Valdes-Rodriguez was in the drivers seat and shot six times in the head and Atkins Junior was killed shortly after as he tried to shield himself from the gunfire. [More]I'm forced to use Google Translate, so is that what they'd call "leyes de armas de sentido común" down there...?
[Via JR in Kansas]
The Eye of the Beholder
It was unclear whether politics was a motivation for the attack... [More]and
A Facebook account that appears to Boucher’s contains multiple anti-President Donald Trump postings ... Boucher shared posts from Occupy Democrats, a popular Facebook page for liberals and progressives... [More]Gee, what do you think?
It says a lot about the guy that he does his own yard work when he can. Speaking from routine experience, between wearing hearing protection and just the creative Zen state that can put you in, it's a struggle not to go Condition White.
No Deposit No Return
The gradual return of the 300,000 Central Americans and Haitians — including their educated children — would be a huge aid program for their home countries, but it is strongly opposed by Democratic politicians and business groups in the United States. [More]You know, by the traitors.
Not that this has anything to do with that "single issue"...
[Via Wynn A]
Why Would Donna Brazile Be in Fear For Her Life if Seth Rich’s Death Was Just a Random Late Night Mugging? [More]What does she know and when did she know it?
[Via Michael G]
Dance, Puppets, Dance!
Even more important for each of us is to be mindful of who you’re reading and listening to especially if you agree with them. It’s about the access that people who are not your friends have to molding your perceptions. [More]The most attractive lies are the ones that feed our biases.
As the sergeant said on "Hill Street Blues," Let's be careful out there.
[Via Michael G]
Oh, That Kooky Archie and Jughead! What Madcap Antics are They Up to Now?
'I feel lucky to be alive': Woman jumped, savagely beaten by 10 teens in Baltimore [More]In the interests of helping the public assist law enforcement in removing this dangerous threat from our midst, WarOnGuns, in collaboration with Google Images, has come up with a pretty good composite...
[Via Wynn A]
Mr. Hyde
Dem Congressman Falsely Claims To CNN Sutherland Springs Gunman Is Sam Hyde — A Famous Internet Hoax [More]I wish I could say I was immune, but try as I do, every so often the competing goals of having something to say and being able to vet all information collide, and messily at that.
[Via Felix B]
Speaking of Brainless Morons
'You brainless moron!': Piers Morgan blasts Texas Attorney General after he claims the 'only way to stop mass shootings is for MORE people to take guns to church' [More]Piers would have just bent over and popped his Rapex at the guy.
[Via Dave Licht]
Sky Whiting
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Here's an idea I had but don't have the means to independently make happen.
I'd love to see this flown over the most rabidly leftist campuses. God, would they melt down in impotent rage:
If anybody wants to finance this, you have my blessing.
Last Gasp
Former President George H.W. Bush delivered a blunt assessment of Trump in historian Mark Updegrove's new book, titled "The Last Republicans," saying, "He's a blowhard." And former President George W. Bush also had harsh words for his Republican successor: "This guy doesn't know what it means to be president." [More]So naturally, CNN credits them with being restrained and dignified.
The Humane Solution
New 'Black Death' FOUND: Deadly virus WORSE than plague and with no CURE breaks out - WHO [More]What "progressive" city would not want to offer these poor souls sanctuary? And what "progressive" judge would not stop executive orders to keep them out?
Run, Alec, Run
Alec Baldwin quits Twitter after being accused of 'victim blaming' for admitting he heard 'rumor' Rose McGowan had been raped by Harvey Weinstein but did nothing for decades [More]A classic case of being able to dish it out but not take it. What a self-melting snowflake.
What Tulsi Believes
The milksops at TheNew Yorker have found the Wonder Woman of their dreams. [More]
For one thing, she believes in a totalitarian monopoly of violence.
For another, she's on board with globalist cultural terraforming.
That Trey Gowdy publicly drools over her instead of repudiates her damnable subversion makes me question his commitment and everything else about him.
For one thing, she believes in a totalitarian monopoly of violence.
For another, she's on board with globalist cultural terraforming.
That Trey Gowdy publicly drools over her instead of repudiates her damnable subversion makes me question his commitment and everything else about him.
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[Via Mean Betsy]
Incontrovertible Fact Refutes Gun-Grabber Ravings Following Texas Church Killings
It was armed citizens who stopped him and saved more lives. [More]The gun-grabbers would rather the heroes had been killed than armed.
Note: I had to immediately go in and rework this after it had posted because new reports say the killer received a bad conduct discharge, which does not rise (sink) to the level of a dishonorable discharge. That said, ATF form 4473 asks: "Have you ever been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence?" [Emphasis added]
Texas Church Shootings Bring Calls for ‘Gun Control’ Before Facts are Known
As has come to be expected, the lack of announced facts from investigating authorities has not stopped commenters to various news stories and on social media from laying blame on guns, on gun owners and on the National Rifle Association. [More]This is what I could document from corroborating media sources as of last night.
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