Point Reyes Station Has A Wailing Wall For Massacred DeerGood grief.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Lies by Omission from Harvard CJI
Nice bio on Billy Celester there, guys. By what you chose to present (and more importantly, what you chose not to mention at all), he looks like a real champion of law enforcement, a true authority to help advance your agenda.
You didn't, maybe, leave something out (on purpose), did you?
Between the ethics displayed at Harvard and Yale, I'd say the privileged sons and daughters of the nation's Ivy League elites are just about ready to take over.
[Via Mike the Limey]
You didn't, maybe, leave something out (on purpose), did you?
Between the ethics displayed at Harvard and Yale, I'd say the privileged sons and daughters of the nation's Ivy League elites are just about ready to take over.
[Via Mike the Limey]
GUNS Magazine: May 1958

I have just read your article on "Why Not a Pro-Gun Law." I want you to know that this is the best I have ever read on the subject of firearms regulations. I would like to have at least 50 reprints as I truly believe this subject needs to he brought to the public eye. I am a life member of the National Rifle Association and the Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore. If we had people such as yourself in our state and federal legislatures, our job as gun-lovers would be a lot easier. Please see if the Readers Digest and Saturday Evening Post will run your article. I would like to see it in our Baltimore papers. This machine gun law has a personal interest to me as I have longed for a commercial model 1928 Thompson sub-machine gun, but can't afford the $200.00 tax. Please let me know how I can help to further the cause.
Just wait another 28 years for the "Firearms Owners' Protection Act" if you think $200 is steep.
The May 1958 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online. Be sure and read the cover story, "Red Guns in the Desert," for a perspective on the region and conflict from half a century ago. Also check out the competition and camaraderie between former enemies in "A Modern GI-German Schutzenfest," and see how 50 years ago you could "Make Your Hunt Deductible" (I wonder if you still could?)
All this plus all the standard hunting/shooting/collecting and technology features, and, of course, the classic ads and prices of the era.
Oh, and one more thing stood out, at least for me. I want one. A Treeby Chain Gun, that is (See pg. 38):

"Despite Opposition..."
Eleven months after a devastating massive tornado swept through Greensburg, KS—after which unidentified “authorities” acting under questionable instructions seized firearms from homes—the Kansas House of Representatives unanimously passed legislation that would make such gun confiscations illegal in the wake of such a disaster.What kind of control freak tinhorn tyrants would oppose this, and why should free men even tolerate them in our presence, let alone pay them and obey them?
Despite opposition from the Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police, the Pratt County sheriff and Kansas Bureau of Investigation...
[Via Jeffersonian]
We're the Only Ones Shakin' It Enough
Federal officials have tacked on a second charge against suspended Sullivan County sheriff's Deputy Phil Etkin, alleging he shook down the owner of a topless bar.Figures there's two of them. Charges. What were you thinking?
Just wanted to keep you abreast of the situation.
And now the G-strin...uh...G-Men...uh...
Sorry. Dealing with these ridiculous "Only One" boobs has me racking my brains and seeing double.
[Via Declan]
The Matrix
John Hardin presents "The Law Enforcement Officer's Guide to Identifying Spree Shooters and Distinguishing Spree Shooters from Responsible Citizens Engaging in Armed Self Defense."
Candidly, this doesn't work for me, but it is encouraging to see activists thinking creatively and trying new things. That's what moves us forward.
Candidly, this doesn't work for me, but it is encouraging to see activists thinking creatively and trying new things. That's what moves us forward.
The Tip of the Iceberg
Toronto Mayor David Miller launched a major campaign to have handguns banned in Canada last week...If a total ban is just the tip, does anyone care to speculate what the entire berg is gonna look like, and what it will do to anything that gets in its way?
The obscene reality behind this kind of legislation is it will not have the least effect on the violent criminal class that is causing ALL of the problem. Not what's registered, not what's banned, not what's confiscated (which brings us back full circle to what's registered, does it not?)
Let's analyze these two paragraphs, because they really contain the crux of this creature's subversive thesis:
There will be those who vigorously argue responsible gun owners are not the problem. The statistics are meaningless because collectors who own restricted weapons stores these guns properly and use the utmost caution.Translation: Regular citizens are not the problem. All on their own, and with no prompting from us, they do the right and the safe thing. So we must take that choice away from them, not only here, but everywhere, and only allow them to possess what we decide to--for now. And there can be no counter-argument because I say so.
And, maybe it is true. But, the deeper question for the community is the greater safety. Handguns must be banned, not just in Toronto, but also across Ontario and the country. Rifles and shotguns serve the purposes of those who hunt for sport. The laws cover this aspect sufficiently. Beyond this, there is no reasonable, logical argument.
The neo-Stalinist "rwash" who penned this endorsement is a fanatic on par with those who, 600 years ago, would have burned people alive for suggesting that the Earth is not the center of the Universe. We look back now and wonder how such closed-minded zealotry could have represented prevalent thought with anything new deemed dangerous and heretical. Yet we still see the same basic phenomenon manifest itself today with the hatred and impulse to destroy radical new ideas--like that maybe men can rule themselves, and don't need the David Miller's and rwash's of the world to command what they may and may not possess.
[Via Bruce Mills]
Toy Story
"It's important that a child cannot walk into one of these little convenience stores, plop down a dollar and walk out with something that can get him shot on the spot without question," Deberry said.No, you moron, it's important that no child is "shot on the spot without question."
What the hell kind of police state are you helping create?
Have you no sense of heritage?
How about of decency?
That you think you're competent to craft laws binding on us all is scary enough. That your constituents do is terrifying.
[Via AvgJoe]
This Day in History: May 4

Gotta get down to it.
Soldiers are cutting us down.
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her and
Found her dead on the ground?
How can you run when you know?
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