Friday, January 23, 2009
So That's What's Wrong with Me...
Man, I hate that.
Being called "Dave."
And an Olofson-bashing "Only One" here (today, 2:35 PM) says "To Codrea...and other nutters, anyone who does wrong with a gun does no wrong, not even the two Columbine killers. They also hate police officers, but I suspect that comes more from penis envy than anything else."
I guess the first stage to recovery is acceptance.
Still, it's kind of flattering. I haven't had this many gentlemen show such unsolicited interest in me since I lived in Long Beach.
We're the Only Ones Camera Shy Enough
Although most of the squad cars were equipped with video cameras, police said none of them were working that day, Pavsner said. [More]Hey, Pavsner said it, I believe it, that settles it.
If we can't trust "Only Ones" to be completely forthcoming about their use of excessive force, who can we trust?
[Via Mack H]
Quotations from Chairman Barry
Pocket Obama [More]Oh, good.
My copy of this was getting worn out and dog-eared, plus the writing style is a little outdated.
And nice trick, having the Reds usurp blue.
Ah, the glorious cultural revolution!
[Via Mike H]
We're the Only Ones the Better to See You With My Dear Enough
Addition of specialized supervisors’ vehicles (Tahoe, sport utility vehicles): The additional equipment being carried by supervisors such as AR-15’s, extra ammo, body armor and helmets, less-than-lethal weapons etc required more storage space, and these specialized vehicles allow for that need space. These vehicles also have F.L.I.R. (Forward Looking Infra-Red); some are hand-held units while some are mounted to the roof of the supervisor’s vehicle. [More]FLIR.
I guess...
Any guesses on how much nicer Irving--and the rest of this country--was "[p]rior to 1940 [when] Irving did not have a paid police force. Just one man, Frank Pate, acted as Constable, City Marshal, and Night Watchman...?
[Via Rova]
We're the Only Ones Breaking Up is Hard to Do Enough
An off-duty police officer in northern Norway shot and killed his ex-girlfriend with another officer's service pistol, then critically wounded himself Friday outside the elementary school where she was a student teacher, police said. [More]See, this is why we need to limit guns to the "Only Ones." They're so much more stable, balanced and trustworthy than the rest of us. And according to this, he's been inflicting his even-tempered stability on the populace for 20 years.
Hey, gee, I'm certainly glad the rest of us have never had any significant other break up with us or known rejection in any way. If this could happen to one of our betters, just think what our reaction would have been!
[Via Avg Joe]
Fluff and Buff
I watched and listened to the events that occured in Washington DC January 20. Many tears were shed by the devotees of Barry Soetoro, a mixture of true believers and useful idiots. I shed a couple myself.Mike H shares some thoughts on the inauguration and what it means.
My reason is different than those others... [More]
Catch and Release
Accused Boca Raton carjacker arrested 190 times is bipolar... [More]I don't suppose this give us any indication of...oh, I don't know...why the hell defectives like this are allowed to run free among us? What do I keep saying about this kind of stuff? Those who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian?
This, of course, is also one of the problems when medical/mental health issues are relegated to the "criminal justice system." Aside from his acts of violent aggression or theft, most of his record appears to be for giving that same system another teat to suckle from.
In any case, enabler Mom doesn't seem to be doing her boy any favors...
[Via Avg Joe]
We're the Only Ones Drunk with Power Enough
A judge has ruled that the results of a blood-alcohol test for State District Judge Elizabeth Berry taken in November cannot be used as evidence in her drunken driving case.Berry, 43, was charged with misdemeanor drunken driving Nov. 8 after lab results showed her blood-alcohol level was above the state’s legal limit of 0.08 when she was driving...
...Berry was driving 92 mph in a 65-mph zone on Interstate 35 south of Fort Worth when she was pulled over. An officer smelled alcohol on her breath and saw beer cans — some of them empty — in her car... [More]
Insufficient evidence--for an "Only One." The rest of you, back into the holding tank with the scary killers.
I wonder--do they really think this stuff won't be noticed? And that cumulative resentment that could grow into rage isn't building...?
[Via Lane]
The Play's the Thing
Unbelievable that people can be this ignorant, but there you are.Using a real gun thought to be unloaded, the play’s director and actor Bill Bordy, 75, pulled the trigger on a .32-caliber revolver as Kellerman kneeled on the stage.
To their surprise, the gun went off, sending a bullet ricocheting off Kellerman’s skull, and taking off a part of his ear.
...Bradenton Police Chief Michael Radzilowski said he may ask the city council if it wants his department to draft an ordinance banning the use of real firearms in theatrical productions in the city. [More]
So naturally, the reaction of local government and the "Only Ones" is to make sure they remain that way.
[Via Ed M]
"For the Children..."

Along with "If it saves one life," that's a common talking point injected into the debate by the gun haters. And since he's following their playbook, naturally Barack Obama is eager to exploit it.Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at another angle of attack Obama is using in his assault on our right to keep and bear arms. I also have an update on last night's Lou Dobbs program on David Olofson.
Again, from his and Joe Biden's "Urban Policy" on the official White House website:
"They support... making guns in this country childproof." [More]
Please continue to spread the word by sharing links to these Examiner column with your gun owner friends, on forums, etc. As of this moment, my column is on top of the world.

Experience tells me such positioning is short-lived. Please help me make this a regular occurrence instead of a rare one.
UPDATE: A front page first for me...

I said when I started this looked like a pretty good idea...
And if this seems like shameless self-promotion, you're damn right it is. Unlike the big boys, I have no advertising team creating publicity and brand awareness, and I put entirely too much effort into this to not throw everything I've got into making it succeed.
Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners:
Off to a Late Start
Anyway, I've got a ton of work to do right now, and it will be an hour or two before I return. In the mean time, head on over to my Gun Rights Examiner "Lou Dobbs" piece and take a look at a troll throwing mud in "Comments"--and my response. It should be amusing to you if nothing else.
If you decide to join the fray, please keep in mind that we have a more general readership there. The guy actually gave us a gift in terms of an opportunity to educate.
This Day in History: January 23
January 23, 1777 Americans under General Maxwell capture Elizabethtown, New Jersey. [More]