They probably got a panicked call from their legal department worried about liability. If someone sues, I hope they subpoena not just the removed signs, but also any and all memos, emails, etc., ordering and discussing the removal, as well as obtain depositions from the decisions makers and those who carried out the removals.
Meanwhile, those of you who live in Omaha, get on your local papers and TV stations and ask them why the investigative reporting on this all seems to be getting done by lowly bloggers as opposed to highly paid, professional "Authorized Journalists." See if they'll look into why the signs were taken down, and note the names of who you spoke with.
I wonder if this was done before the "crime scene" had been cleared, and if this could possibly be construed as removing evidence, or alternatively, if "The Only Ones" greenlighted the removals?
And by the way: Kudos to Joe's Crabby Shack for the outstanding job in bringing us this information. Keep checking in on that site--it has become the "go to" place for breaking news on this story.
UPDATE: Feel free to add your voice if so inclined.