The show will start at noon PST. Click here to watch.
I announced it here, below the fold...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Steve Lee...

It's Australian for "Fudd".
Some of the guns are so dangerous that they are banned in Australia, meaning Mr Lee had to travel to Cambodia to film much of the clip... Mr Lee said that while he was happy about his overseas success, he would not like the issue of gun control in Australia to go the way of the US debate. "You have got to abide by the law, and there are some people out there who shouldn't be able to use guns. [But] I like guns, and I use guns in the bush" [More]Yeah, that really appeased the opposition, there, didn't it, mate?
[Via Steven L]
A Deadly Assault Umbrella, No Doubt
I'll bet it has one of those semiautomatic latch releases that let it open with one squeeze of the button. I need to get me one in time for the next Bumbershoot.About 40 people in the store, including customers and employees, were told to gather at the front of the store, where they took cover and were guarded by officers. Other officers then conducted a sweep of the store, and found the man in a bathroom.
He was carrying an umbrella. [More]
And I do apologize for that...
[Via Cemetery's Gun Blob]
Kermit Alert
A bloody Kermit the Frog doll that closed Peak to Peak Charter School and brought out the Boulder County bomb squad last week was the result of a student prank gone wrong, according to Lafayette police. [Read]We should just thank our lucky stars it wasn't a Mooninite.
I wonder what freedoms we can give up to ensure this sort of thing will never happen again?
No Terrorism Link
Investigators also found Middle Eastern red and white traditional headdress... [More]Well then that cinches it. With an "assault weapon" that's been "altered to fire .50-caliber ammunition" (any bets the "Authorized Journalist" thinks it's a .50 BMG capable of shooting down 747s?) he must be one of those right wing extremists. Because Allah knows, the other kind has nothing to do with planning attacks on military installations.
Still, I am surprised the FBI had the manpower to investigate, what with the resource drain over at the SHOT Show...
[Via Steve T]
Peace Activists for Genocide and Civil War
Will we ever grow enough backbone to take on and tame our self-destructive gun culture? [More]What, you mean have the state send out armed enforcers to bend men like me to your will--and imprison or kill us if we defy and resist you?
I'd think the preferable course--if you truly want peace--would be to leave us the hell alone. Except you won't be risking your precious ass, will you?
Keep thinking that.
Y'know what, Tom? You get the same answer I gave Sallie when she started whining about "backbone."
Funny how you invertebrates consider yourselves authorities on the subject.
[Via The Bitter Clinger]
Impossible X 3
One student was shot "without provocation" in a trio of attacks late Monday. U officials and police hope security video helps them track the suspects - quickly. [More]I thought a "trio" was a "spate."
Oh well, no matter. I'm sure there's some mistake.
This could not possibly have happened.
[Via Russell S]
We're the Only Ones...
...shocking enough...
...making something up enough...
...interrogating enough...
...touching enough...
...unarrested enough...
...bringing things to a head enough...
...restored enough...
I'm just getting so many "Only Ones" tips, it's tough to give each "bad apple" individual attention and not lose the focus of this blog. Besides, I don't want to be accused of denigrating anyone...
[Via FFFW and Brock Townsend]
...making something up enough...
...interrogating enough...
...touching enough...
...unarrested enough...
...bringing things to a head enough...
...restored enough...
I'm just getting so many "Only Ones" tips, it's tough to give each "bad apple" individual attention and not lose the focus of this blog. Besides, I don't want to be accused of denigrating anyone...
[Via FFFW and Brock Townsend]
Equal Time for Domestic Enemies
Proud SDSer Adam Kline thinks a 99 to 1 turnout merits a 50/50 split for comments on his proposed "assault weapons" ban. And he tried to get away with stiffing our side out of a turn.
A police chief shows up armed and in uniform to advocate for it as a private citizen. (Didn't Leroy Pyle get subjected to an internal affairs investigation and harassed for testifying against the ban at the state level?)
Dave Workman does an excellent job giving us a summary of the proceedings, including an embedded video.
Click here to read.
A police chief shows up armed and in uniform to advocate for it as a private citizen. (Didn't Leroy Pyle get subjected to an internal affairs investigation and harassed for testifying against the ban at the state level?)
Dave Workman does an excellent job giving us a summary of the proceedings, including an embedded video.
Click here to read.
Is Mel Gibson 'Tooled Up' On Liberty as Well as Guns?
Admittedly, just because someone has achieved fame and fortune in one endeavor doesn't mean they're qualified or have the passion to lead in another. The flip side to that: Just because someone is rich and famous doesn't give them a pass on doing what they can to promote liberty. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at, if not the edge of darkness, at least the edge of participation...
Also find out what I'll be discussing this afternoon on Trigger Sports Live! and get the latest from my fellow GREs.
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This Day in History: January 27
Any Articles to be sent in to our prisoners in Philadelphia must be left with the Commissary of prisoners Friday evening next. [More]
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