Monday, February 01, 2021

The Questions of Our Time

 If You Believe Marilyn Manson Accuser Evan Rachel Wood, Why Don't You Believe Tara Reade? [More]

Or the Snuffy Brothers...?

Actually, what I really want to know is, did he really have a rib removed?

And don't you just love people turning to "celebrities" for political advice?

A Threat to Whom?

Christian nationalism is a threat, and not just from Capitol attackers invoking Jesus [More]

I'm not sure who Herman Schaalman Professor in Jewish Studies Rachel S. Mikva thinks it was who liberated the camps and let refugees into a country with a Bill of Rights and a backup plan against genocide. Way to provoke anti-Semitic resentment, which I suspect is one of the goals, so you can then point and says "See?"

Figures this subversive exercise in pot-stirring religious bigotry would have a home at USA Today, "a Gannett Publication"...

Oh, look: Useful idiots. Funny how who is behind the website isn't made clear.

Pray they never find out, not for their sake, but for the sake of all who will suffer for their evil-enabling foolishness.

[Via Mack H]


Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) are introducing DREAM Act legislation next week, as senators look for a long elusive immigration deal.  [More]

You know that citizen disarmament Durbin is prepping to rape us with?

"A"-rated Lindsey is about to undo every "good" vote he's ever cast, and you can't tell me he doesn't understand that.

[Via Mack H]

Flesh That Part Out for Us

Our priority as citizens must be to stop him [More]

How, when you won't even admit, let alone do anything about, the greatest threat to "legal" recognition of the right to keep and bear arms, support those enabling it, and dismiss 2A relevance with a bullshit "single issue" deflection?

Lawsuits are reactive and will become increasingly problematic. What kind of federal judges will be appointed once Biden's superhighway to citizenship has made Democrat dominance unchallengeable?

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Systemic' Is

 Michigan State University students and faculty reported nearly 1,200 racial incidents over a period of five years. Less than one percent of those reported incidents, however, were determined to be racial bias. [More]

Hey, just like less than one percent of the DC protestors went into the Capitol.

Yet here we are.

[Via Michael G]

Our Last Best Hope

 Our only hope is that Biden and the moonbats he surrounds himself with will be too incompetent to accomplish their goal of turning America into Venezuela. The appointment of Suzan LeVine is encouraging in this respect. [More]

I've been saying that. The problem is, well, "our side."

[Via Michael G]

On a Scale of 1 to 10?

 How stupid does he think CNN's viewers are? [More]

The fact that he's got a show should answer that one.

[Via Michael G]

Talking Turkey

 Massachusetts town issues self-defense tips for run-ins with wild turkeys [More]

No surprise there.

I always either tell them I have an STD or vomit.

[Via Jeffersonian]

Obstruction of Justice

 Democrats Are Already Threatening to Destroy President Trump’s New Impeachment Attorneys [More]

If witness intimidation is a crime, how much more serious is lawyer intimidation?

[Via Michael G]

We're Gonna Need a Bigger Enemies List

Stop Sensationalizing the Threat of Right-Wing Political Violence [More]

I'm not so sure.

Maybe the best thing would be to ramp up and amp up the ludicrous hysterics and expand the scope of who they want to drag into this.

[Via bondmen]

Curses! Foiled Again!

 Sugar Land police say a woman at home with her 8-year-old child opened fire on a home invasion suspect early Friday. [More]

Shannon reacts to another refutation of her insistence that having a gun in the home poses the greater danger to both women and children.

[Via bondmen]

So the Truth is Racist?

Virginia Task Force Drops Gang Database After Complaints It Has Too Many Minorities In It [More]

Surviving members of the Jets gotta be in their eighties by now...

[Via bondmen]

The Lone Stranger Hides Again

 Manhunt intensifies for DC pipe bomber… [More]

There's something to be said for not being part of a CI-infested cell...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Threatening Enough

State Dept Spox: ‘Largest Threat to U.S. National Security are U.S. Cops’ [More]

That's not fair. I'm sure she only meant white cops.

[Via bondmen]

Somebody Say Something about Lives Mattering?

 Dmyah and Darrion Fleming were murdered, shot to death, Sunday night near Sarah and Laclede in the Central West End. Police believe Darrion knew the killer. They say it was not a drive-by shooting. [More]

So this one wasn't random.

If only they'd disarm the rest of us...

[Via bondmen]

A Random Sample

 “From what we understand, what the victim was able to tell us, he did not know (the suspect), just a vehicle pass by, felt some shots, felt pain, but does not know any kind of motive, so for right now we just know it’s a random shooting,” Lt. Kelly Middleton, SLMPD, said. [More]

Obviously, a situation requiring a public health solution...

[Via bondmen]

I Guess They Got Tired of Saying 'Baseless'

 Last summer, Bush was among marchers on whom Mark and Patricia McCloskey drew firearms in a video that went viral. She is now one of Congress’ most progressive members, and has sponsored a measure that could lead to expulsion for lawmakers who — like Greene — backed Trump’s unjustified effort to reverse his November election defeat. [More]

They just say "unjustified"  and that makes it so.

What can I say but "AP"?

[Via bondmen]

Ask the Experts!

Missouri must look to public health solutions for gun violence problems, experts say [More]

The question "Experts at what?" comes to mind.

And what kind of racist would treat homicide, robbery, and wanton violence as "crime problems"?

[Via Steve T

I Guess I Can't Call Them Loons Anymore

This is bull$#&! [More]

That's what you get when dealing with the animaladjusted.

I don't suppose they'd take too kindly to my gorilla hand ashtray?

[Via Jess]

Spider & the Fly

How Life Under Bulgarian Communism Crushed the Human Spirit (ACAT Speaker Nora Clinton). 
Biden Puts Out the Welcome Mat for Red China + Teacher Turns the Tables on Antifa/BLM. [More]

As they urge us, "This is a weapon. Use it."

Meme Meld

 Yes, Mark Zuckerberg wants to get inside your head and know what you are thinking before you do. Ultimately, he may even gain the ability to plant thoughts in your head that you think are your own. [More]

My mind to your mind. Your thoughts to my thoughts.

[Via Michael G]

Star Witness

 Jacob Chansley is no longer "horribly smitten" with the former president and is willing to testify against him in the impeachment trial. [More]

Yes, let his lunatic be their voice of reason.

[Via Michael G]


3 Duck Hunters Dead Amid Alarms Over 'Cutthroat Culture' [More]

Good thing it wasn't wabbit season!

[Via DvD]

Nothing Succeeds Like Secession?

 TL does not seem optimistic in all the talk about pushing back. [More]

Make Yourselves at Home

Homeless activists occupy downtown Olympia hotel [More]

Every fail pitting left against left is a win in my book.

With 'Republicans' Like These, Who Needs Democrats?

'We traffic in lies': A House Republican launches campaign to 'take back our party' [More]

Starting with abandoning gun owners.

And herein lies the other great impediment to expecting to win a majority. If you reward embedded enemy assets with victory, what incentives does the GOP have to find candidates who will be faithful to you?

UPDATE -- And file this under "No Great Loss:

Dozens of former Bush officials leave Republican Party, calling it 'Trump cult'

A quote about "centrist Republicans" comes to mind.

[Via Jess]

Do the Math

  You can’t expect to win if you start off, best case, losing 50 percent + 1. [More]

I agree. I just don't see the requisite commitment to do all the consistent hard work required coming from the loudest bellyachers, and coupling that with the planned electorate stacking question if we'll be able to expect to win regardless.

A One Great Wall Policy

“Think about that: Selling citizenship to well-connected Chinese nationals on behalf of Democratic party donors” Senator Cotton called it “disqualifying”…. in a post 2020 Election world where there remain serious unheard allegations of massive electoral fraud involving Chinese backed election system firms, this man being Biden’s pick to become Secretary of Homeland Security is nothing short of chilling. [More]

Who better to dismantle border security?

[Via Jess]

If Lives Really Mattered...

Black Lives Matter movement nominated for Nobel peace prize - Norwegian MP cites global impact of BLM in raising awareness and consciousness of racial injustice [More]

My first thought on seeing this grinning Eurodolt was to wonder how he'd fare convincing denizens of "communities" that don't practice what they preach how down he is with their plight, at, say, 2:00 a.m.

I found an interesting observation buried in an article about the neighborhood "topping the list":

Patterson, who said he keeps several weapons in his house for protection, recently gave one - a .22-caliber handgun - to the woman next door. "The police can't do it all," he said, "so the neighborhood has to take up the slack."

That is so against the "law" in Maryland thanks to "commonsense gun safety advocates."

You know who else wants both of these people punished to the full extent of the law?

The "Don't lie for the other guy" and "Enforce existing gun laws" folks...

[Via several of you]

Now and Then

 Biden starts staffing a commission on Supreme Court reform [More]

"Fortunately," the string-pullers have a bonehead taking figurehead point for them.

[Via DDS]

News You Can Wipe With

Biden’s White House Considering Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings - Briefings could be restricted to mainstream media? [More]

You know, "Authorized Journalists"...



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15 seconds

Vs. an establishment media logical fallacy smear job that does not substantiate its assertions and is centered on a non-sequitur that is irrelevant to the Covid arguments she makes...

[Via Laocoön]

The COVID-19 vaccine really isn’t a vaccine in the medical definition of a vaccine. It’s more accurately an experimental gene therapy that could prematurely kill large amounts of the population and disable exponentially more
[Via DvD]

UPDATE: And it's nice to see the Faucist once more confirming his near-legendary incompetence.

[Via Michael G]