...to NRA lobbyists and politicians. [More]
Now I know how SAF feels when they're not credited with helping in a lawsuit!
(Again andagain and again and again and again and again...)
That's OK, those of you who also led and/or pitched in. Some of us appreciate what you did. And we even recognized those politicians and lobbyists.
[Via JD]
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
We're the Only Ones Helping With Your Decision-Making Process Enough
"You can tell that a person made a conscious decision to pull over," Lyons said. "When you for whatever reason say, 'I'm going to give myself up,' if this is what they are going to do to you ..." [More]In other words, "Only One" conduct may end up discouraging suspects from giving themselves up peacefully...? If they know you're going to beat the hell out of them, they might not give up? And introducing "peace officers" into the mix actually causes violence--due to their conduct...?
Well, that seems kind of backwards...
[Via Newbius]
Temperature Control: For the Children
Warm day brings outburst of violence [More]Some people are so far gone they can't be trusted with a sunny day.
Sounds like as good an excuse to disarm you and me as any.
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
We're the Only Ones Taking Our Sweet Time Enough
Newly released dispatch tapes show a Spokane policeman involved in an off-duty shooting waited 16 minutes before stepping out of the darkness and surrendering himself to his fellow officers. [More]Hey, gotta make sure the evidence is right, and who was the "Only One" on scene best qualified to do that?
Oh, look: It worked.
Just ignore those testimony discrepancies.
[Via Smiley Starfish]
House UnAmerican Activities
"Who in this country would not want to change a policy of kicking in doors in the middle of the night and sending a parent away from their families?"[More]Via Skullz, who asks:
So, does that apply to the ATF too?
Let Them Eat Cake
A waiter serves green champagne to guests during a St Patricks Day reception hosted by President Barack Obama in the East Room of the White House in Washington, March 17, 2009. [More]The linked story is about how The Lightworker can't form a coherent sentence without being artificially prompted. But I thought the real story was in the picture at the bottom.
Nothing but the best. Just like commies everywhere, aren't they?
Give and Take
Gov't To Force Us To "GIVE" [More]The “Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act”...
Good grief--could the acronyms get more cheesy?
Here's the bill, presented by Carolyn "Barrel Shroud" McCarthy and the usual gang of useful collectivist idiots.
Whenever I try to slog through the text of these things, I go into full-blown glazed-eyes ADD mode. I may as well be trying to read Sanskrit. Anyone with the type of mind that can grok legalese without wondering whether it's "across the highway" or "down the street," please translate this, because I have a few questions:
Could "volunteer community service" credit be received for young people engaging in firearms and paramilitary training activities? You know, assuming their U.S. Code-recognized militia duties for the security of a free state? And could a lawsuit be an effective means of overturning ideological discrimination if the government says "No"?
I know the preferred course is to refuse to participate, but just as a precursor bit of monkeywrenching, wouldn't it be nice to smash these Marxists over the head with their own damn chair? You know, CUM ULLA SELLA IN PUGNO TABERNA...
[Via StrandedInIowa]
Dismantling the Killer Elite
"Just think," a dejected Drebin comments to his anguished partner, "the next time I shoot someone, I could go to jail." [More]William Norman Grigg makes us think about a superior alternative to "Only Ones."
[Via Ron W]
Military Ammunition Policy Rescinded

Many of you let me know you had contacted your representatives, and others copied me on correspondence they's sent to Senators Baucus and Tester. Between that and your spreading the word like...like a grassfire, enough attention was given to this to get results. That they happened so quickly is impressive, and ought to prime us for engaging in the next challenge--and the ones after that. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column celebrates a grassroots win. Thanks to everyone who pitched in. That was you, right?
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
Please read and share.
This Day in History: March 18
NEW BRUNSWICK March 18, 1777
Americans capture several wagons, take eight prisoners and kill four or five in skirmish. [More]
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