It took years of settling for unprincipled GOP poltroons to get places like Connecticut into the sorry state they’re currently in, and now that gun owners there are reaping the results of widespread apathy and settling for the perceived "lesser of two evils," it’s merely a statement of fact to point out that continuing to reward people who betray you gives them absolutely no incentive to change and even less reason to respect you. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column names names.
Monday, April 08, 2013
Connecticut Republicans voting for gun ban may go unpunished
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
A British teenager's plans to carry out a massacre at his school using handguns and explosives was foiled by the FBI after agents received a tip-off from an American chatroom user, a court has heard. [More]
The "Authorized Journalists" won't release his name because of his age, and the judge says "I think I speak for everyone when I say we all wish you well."
It Takes a Global Village
We haven’t had a very collective notion of these are our children.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities. [More]
All your base are belong to us.
[Via several of you]
General collapse is the working premise at the highest levels in DC. [More]We haven't even begun to live in interesting times.
[Via Andrea Shea King]
The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Clubs
If you survive the first wave, the spoils left on the field will be yours. If you don't... [Read]
[Via Florida Guy]
[Via Florida Guy]
Teach Your Children Well
To parents, you must teach your children and instill in them a reverence for and love of liberty. Even for the old among us, you may very well end up training the very men who would otherwise be your tyrants, but who will remember their upbringing instead. Mothers and grandmothers, you essentially saved the day in East Germany. Don’t underestimate your role. Teaching the children is the most important job on earth. [More]And teach them to recognize what their orders really mean.
Three Things Come to Mind
First, this was in Florida. Why wasn't the victim armed? [Watch and Read]
Second, note who intervened and saved him. Good people come in all flavors, and while it would be easy to focus solely on the attackers, justice, decency and reality demand recognition and honor for individual merit.
Third, what the hell is this "elderly" for a 56-year-old?
[Via Dave K]
Second, note who intervened and saved him. Good people come in all flavors, and while it would be easy to focus solely on the attackers, justice, decency and reality demand recognition and honor for individual merit.
Third, what the hell is this "elderly" for a 56-year-old?
[Via Dave K]
We're the Only Ones Prematurely Discharging Enough
The Glock handgun accidentally fired, according to the report.[More]Right. All by its own self. And he had to check it because he didn't know it was loaded.
Any more lies?
Meanwhile, with this drunk shooting up the men's room at a strip joint, the antis are all a-dither over the prospect of you or me having the means of defense while with out families at restaurants that serve adult beverages.
[Via Roger J]
Send in the Clowns
This bozo seems bound and determined to change the song to "Tears of a Clown." [Watch]
A Good First Step
The international community’s decision to finally pass a treaty that will begin to regulate cross-border sales of conventional weapons is a small step in the direction of global sanity. [More]And here's where that journey of a thousand miles will end.
We're the Only Ones Unbelieving Enough
Police don’t believe the bear was a threat to people. [More]Right. But let Poochie bark at armored Sardaukar splintering the door at the wrong house and sit back and enjoy the fireworks.
Let's Get One Thing Clear
The Office of the Inspector General earlier cleared Holder ... [More]Damn it, it did not.
It said it did not find evidence, which is a very different thing when you consider how much has been withheld and how many key people refused to speak to the OIG.
Those Who Would Disarm Us
In New York, 11 state senators have been charged with crimes over the last six years. In Illinois, four of the last seven governors have been convicted on criminal charges. New York and California have each racked up thousands of federal public corruption convictions over the last few decades. [More]Care to compare those crime rates with, say, the membership of the NRA?
Within Reason
...substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving... [More]See, they get to define what's "reasonable" not just for guns, but for everything!
It's only commie...uh...common sense!
Tomorrow's the Day... get out the vote. [Read]
And they anticipate turnout will be low.
I'm sure all regular readers here have done the bare minimum to spread the word and assist this man's campaign.
And they anticipate turnout will be low.
I'm sure all regular readers here have done the bare minimum to spread the word and assist this man's campaign.
Define "Fettered"
During the past 50 years, the auto industry initially resisted many safety features that are now required equipment on all passenger vehicles. Design changes and new equipment have made cars safer and have contributed to a decrease in automobile deaths. Can’t we as a nation take similar steps in response to unfettered and nearly limitless access to guns? [More]This is undisguised bait and switch--he starts out with design and safety features, and ends up "fettering access."
All the while stumping for mass murderer-enabling zones...
This Day in History: April 8
On April 8, Col. William Harden and his Patriot force set up an ambush at Patterson's Bridge. The Loyalist force, commanded by Capt. Edward Fenwick and 35 South Carolina Light Dragoons, a recently formed Loyalist cavalry troop that had already defeated Col. Harden here three days earlier, discovered the ambush and fell back. [More]
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