And the authority for this is...? |
I guess with all the
corruption scandals going on with Wells Fargo, their partnering with ATF in the shady practices game should come as no surprise.
I've tried raising public interest in questionable ATF practices involving National Survival Store:
Because there were allegations of ATF sanctioning illegal gun transactions, I tried to interest reporters and Congress to look into them, as they have resources I don't. Crickets.
Reader interest in the story has been pretty underwhelming, probably because it's so complex, and I haven't been (and won't be) able to devote anywhere near the attention it needs -- there's only one of me, and there are plenty of other priorities that demand attention.
There's a video Wesley Felix posted on Facebook tying Wells Fargo account fraud allegations in with alleged gun purchases by an ATF agent on an expired FFL. I don't know how to embed into Blogger, so if you want to see it, you need to
click this link.
I think you'll see how just viewing pieces highlights the need for someone with the ability to compile them. See, there's plenty more that still needs to be unraveled, and Felix is willing to give them plenty of information.
What's clear from the (lack of) response thus far is I have failed on my own to get this launched into Big Boy Media. So -- what do I do to get more notice for the "irregularities"? I'll once again post a plea on social media, and invite both discussion and for readers to be force multipliers and spread the word. But ultimately,
a disputed-origin quote comes to mind.
What's needed is for those who have kept up with this story to contact House Oversight and Senate Judiciary. Barring that happening, I'm at a loss.
UPDATE: Once more I've delivered
my message.
Anybody care to join me?