Those countries are Japan, Australia, Norway, and the United Kingdom, and Weller claims they “may all offer insight.” If the goal is to abandon the Constitution and Bill of Rights and embrace citizen disarmament, he has a point. [More]Who needs American exceptionalism when you can just abdicate all responsibility and trust the globalists to keep us safe?
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Comparing U.S. to Cherry-Picked Countries on Guns Fools No One but the Ignorant
A Lot More Evidence than There is Against Roy Moore
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And the Democrat demands to resign begin when?
Say It Ain't So, Joe!
Exclusive: Former Joe Biden Secret Service Agent: We Had to Protect Women From Him, ‘Weinstein Level Stuff’ [More]So what else did he shoot through the door?
[Via Dave Licht]
Double-Penetrated Again
Sens. John Cornyn R-Texas, Chris Murphy, D-Connecticut, Tim Scott, R-South Carolina, and Richard Blumenthal, D-Connecticut, along with Senators Orrin Hatch R-Utuah, Dianne Feinstein, D-California, Dean Heller, R-Nevada, and Jeanne Shaheen D-New Hampshire, introduced the "Fix NICS Act" on Thursday to ensure federal and state authorities comply with existing law and accurately report relevant criminal history records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). [More]Yep-- they gave 'em something to crow about.
Reciprocity and suppressors? Now is not the time!
I like this comment:
bi-par-tis-an (n.):I await the Fairfaxian weaselspeak defending this as a genius move, which will also mean a green light was given and probably language for the bill was either drafted or approved.
1) Political term for double-penetration.
[Via Dave Licht]
The Founders Couldn't Have Imagined Today's Guns!
Gabby Giffords’s Gun Control Group Releases Report Warning of Muzzleloaders...[More]
So we're going after the ones they could imagine.
[Via Jess]
Inconvenience Store
Taleb Jawher was charged Wednesday with being an illegal resident in possession of a firearm. Immigration officials said earlier that Jawher, originally from Jordan, came to the United States legally in 2007 but had overstayed his visit by several years. [More]I hadn't realized there was a critical shortage of gas station mini-mart attendants in this country.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Restricted Enough
A federal judge issued on Wednesday wide-ranging restrictions on the ability of St. Louis police to declare protests “unlawful” and use chemical agents against protesters. [More]What, we now have to wait for them "to pose an imminent threat to use force or violence or to violate a criminal law with force or violence"?
Does it say anything in there about dogs?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Fought Over Enough
Near “barroom brawl” erupts at small Northland town meeting, then police chief suspended [More]That's evidently the effect an Opposite Day "progressive" peace officer has on people.
[Via bondmen]
'Capitalists' Holding Huge Rope Sale
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has posted two billboards in front of the White House which declare America was built by foreign ‘Dreamers,’ not by native-born Americans, who apparently have no place in the billboards or in America’s society. [More]I guess they haven't given the "final revolution" much thought.
Maybe they've been sleeping?
[Via Mack H]
Stay Tuned!
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Watch the idiot Republicans give these unrelenting totalitarians another incremental advance they'll be able to crow about and accelerate momentum around once they taste blood. And watch an undercurrent of "pragmatic" praise about more Fairfax Vulcan chessmaster genius for redirecting the damage. After all, "We've got to give them something!"
[Via Mack H]
Enforce Existing Obstruction of Justice Laws
City of Denver Staffers Who Cooperate With ICE Could Be Fired, Jailed, Fined [More]So why can't the DOJ hit their persecutors with interfering with federal investigation charges? Raid their homes, seize and freeze their assets, you know, just like they do to a mundane who believes the Second Amendment means what it says about not being infringed...
[Via cydl]
Coming Soon, On a Pathway to Citizenship Near You
The foreign-born vote overwhelmingly, by about 80 percent, for Democrats. They always have and they always will ... According to the Pew Research Center, 75 percent of Hispanic immigrants and 55 percent of Asian immigrants support bigger government, compared to just over 40 percent of the general public. Even third-generation Hispanics support bigger government by 58 percent. [More]Yep.
Thank goodness this has nothing to do with that "single issue."
[Via Mack H]
Honor Among Thieves
A committee at the University of Virginia voted 19-1 to amend the school’s student honor conduct code sanctioning liars, cheaters, and thieves and making it easier for those in violation to stay at the school, according to a Tuesday report. [More]Now that Virginia appears to be going irrevocably "progressive," it's best to prepare them for the world they're going to live in.
Besides, punishment has probably been disproportionate, and we can't have that.
[Via Michael G]
Red Privilege
A Dartmouth College professor plans to donate half of the proceeds from his latest book to Antifa, the radical protest group labeled as “domestic terrorists” by the federal government. [More]WarOnGuns Correspondent Michael G notes:
Since Antifa is math challenged, let's encourage every member or sympathizer to buy this book. They won't realize they are cutting their money in half.And I note from glimpses through the balaclavas on the brayer's Twitter header that these self-appointed supremacists don't look racially diverse at all. We're supposed to believe it's an oversight their public face appears to be all white, with no minority representation?
Their Cage, Their Rules
Google Issues Ultimatum to Conservative Website: Remove 'Hateful' Article or Lose Ad Revenue [More]The Keeper explains:
Anybody ready for some good old-fashioned "progressive" antitrust action yet...?
Garbage In, Genocide Out.
WOTF? [More]
More like "WTF?"
I can't remember any of the stories I've read about fashioning and worshiping idols ending well...
More like "WTF?"
I can't remember any of the stories I've read about fashioning and worshiping idols ending well...
Not Following Maxine Waters' 'Trump is Racist' Narrative
UCLA basketball players thank Trump, apologize for actions in China [More]And here's what Chris Cilliza's hit piece reveals about him and CNN: Just maybe the president was giving these juvenile delinquents a needed public lesson in the way adults of character are supposed to behave when someone gives them a second chance -- not that you'd know first thing about that.
We're the Only Ones Minding Your Business Enough
“There are certain firearms that no citizen or resident has business owning,” says Mattessich. “Like a machine gun.” [More]Spoken like a true New Jersey "Only One."
[Via SonsOfReagan_Alt]
Better Apologies. Better Backpedaling.
Tuesday, the company apologized, said it supports players' protests... [More]So Schnatter no doubt approves of his employees expressing their unsolicited political views to customers while on the clock -- or does he treat what he considers their "First Amendment rights" like he does the Second?
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