Really? My kids? Just wow.
Let's review the bidding: Ann Coulter makes a demonstrable assertion about the effects of current immigration policies on the American electorate. I make an equally demonstrable extrapolation (if you deny that, you
answer the challenge) about the legal and judicial effect that will have on the way the right to keep and bear arms is recognized by government.
Then out of nowhere this crazy lady appears and wishes my kids (by the way, I considered mine cubs) dead? Gun-grabbers sure are violent.
So them being killed
would teach me? |
As disappointed as she'll be,
feral sons Uday and Qusay both managed to make it to adulthood with the chances of that happening minimized. That's because their mother and I knew that part of our job as parents committed to their protection was making sure they both received continued development-appropriate firearms exposure and training. That's as opposed to, you know, the
avoidance and ignorance demanded by "common sense gun safety" advocates.
So who is this monster carrying around such bloody-minded, seething resentment for the millions of more-traditional Americans with whom she disagrees?
Her Twitter account says she's a "Musician, lover of design and art " out of Clearwater, FL. That matches up to
a Facebook account that further tells us she
is "Now performing with At Large Band."
Oh, look. Nice to put a face and a CV with the person who wishes such nice things for me. And nice to see their
calendar of upcoming performances.
How curious, though: Some of their regular gigs appear to be for American Legion Post 79 and a couple VFW posts, Dunedin and Indian Rocks. I say "curious" because like me, they also advocate for caring adults providing youth firearms instruction, meaning they understand that responsible firearms ownership is an American tradition to be honored and carried on:
I wonder if Lotte would express the same hateful sentiment to her patrons about their children as she did to me.
I think I'll ask.