Monday, November 20, 2017

No Change of Heart Required

A California gun enthusiast recently took a sledgehammer to one of his most prized possessions – his AR-15. Chad Vachter said he started having doubts about owning the weapon after the 2015 San Bernardino, CA, terror attack left 14 people dead. [More]
What kind of gun owner would do that?

This kind:

And there are plenty more examples of "progressive" loyalties if you have a few minutes to waste on his Facebook page.

What, you didn't really think this piece of fake news based on a calculated publicity stunt was about any kind of principled conversion, did you? And it worked -- the media gobbled it right up.

[Via Rough and Ready]

As Long as We're on a 'Destroy Offensive Monuments' Tear...

Start rippin' 'em up, boys!

You Can't Keep a Goodman Down?

An Ohio lawmaker who routinely touted his Christian faith and anti-LGBT views has resigned after being caught having sex with a man in his office. [More]
What a piece of ...

Watch him reinvent himself in a few years as a "progressive" hero with the courage to admit past mistakes and change. Let's just hope he doesn't hand the enemy something else to exploit by putting a bullet through his brain after whoring for gun group endorsements.

We're the Only Ones Excessive Enough

A veteran Chicago police officer faces sentencing Monday for his excessive force conviction for firing 16 times into a moving vehicle filled with teens. [More]
Veteran, huh? That generally means standard and accepted protocol as his "systemic problems in the department" defense appears to indicate.

If Globalist Money Men Don't Have Our Best Interests at Heart, Who CAN We Trust?

CEOs from companies including Facebook, General Electric, Goldman Sachs and Ford have pushed back against pieces of President Donald Trump's immigration proposals. Now a chief of one of the biggest U.S. banks says restrictions could bleed over to the broader economy. [More]
Think any of them will go on the record answering the challenge? Or even acknowledge it?

This Scott Gamm character strikes me as a real tool.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Occupying Enough

Entire Baltimore Neighborhood Under Lockdown: "Police Declared Martial Law" [More]
If this isn't an argument for more widely-spread "progressive" rule then nothing is.

[Via Neil W]

A Second Amendment Guy

Doug Jones, the Democrat running for Alabama’s U.S. Senate seat, says he loves to hunt but the Second Amendment has “limitations.” [More]
Oh, well as long as he hunts...

In additon to prior restraint infringements he supports a "pathway to citizenship" that'll really crank up those "limitations."

Not that anybody in Fairfax will warn Alabama gun owners about that, the legislative and judicial eradication of Second Amendment recognition not being part of that "single issue" and all...

[Via Roger J]

We're the Only Ones Uncertain Enough

Review says police were uncertain of 'rules of engagement' as violence grew in Charlottesville [More]
Clueless and unprepared. Sounds like crap management. Assuming that's the truth. My money's still on a "stand down" understanding we'll never see evidence for.

But whatever you do, don't "point fingers." Or at least don't lift them, because that they're prepared for.

[Via Mack H]

The Enemy Within

Jonah Goldberg and Neocon Rinos Online are the ones doing the chasing away.  [More]

You have to wonder if they're really just useful idiots or if they know they're Marxist enablers and are doing their part to divide and conquer.

[Via Mack H]

Terminal Stockholm Syndrome

Crime Wave Engulfs Sweden as Fraud, Sexual Offenses Reach Record [More]
You're not going to talk them off the ledge. I don't even want to any more. They're more useful as an example.

[Via Jess]

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

“We are NOT a ‘Gun free zone’ — we protect our people!” [More]
Gimme that old time religion:

[Via Michael G]

But the Antis Say This Never Happens

'Pulled my gun and told him to get off her' | Man who stopped alleged rape in Austin speaks [More]
Bravo! That said, were I this guy (and I'd admittedly have to think twice about that), I still wouldn 't be talking to the media.

[Via Michael G]

Be Barren and Wither

NBC: Having a Child ‘Is One of the Worst Things You Can Do for the Environment’ [More]
So they agree with Lotte about Uday and Qusay?

They're not even trying to hide who they have in mind for extermination:
...especially for the world’s wealthy...
Guess what that's codespeak for?

Thank goodness this isn't targeted at imported Third World fast breeders!

[Via Geordan]

The March of 'Progress'

Police admit they are outnumbered and overwhelmed and increasingly unable to maintain public order — both day and night. [More]
So government causes the crisis, endangers its citizens, and forbids them from taking appropriate defensive measures under threat of life-destroying punishment while the media deliberately spins and withholds information?

And you thought global "progressivism" wouldn't work.

[Via Michael G]

Well That Solves Everything

Baltimore Mayor Reacts To Crime: ‘I Am Deeply Disturbed’ [More]
What, you don't expect her to admit that everything she does just makes it worse, do you? Especially when there are so many convenient SJW-approved scapegoats to blame?

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Safe Enough

Knowlton acknowledged that having a police officer point a gun at you can be "traumatic." But the officers' tactics help keep law enforcement officers safe, he said. [More]
And isn't that why we hire them in the first place?

[Via bondmen]

Equal Treatment

At least 25 transgender people in the United States have been homicide victims so far this year, the highest annual total on record, according to advocacy groups that have been monitoring the grim phenomenon and seeking ways to reduce the toll. [More]
Except this does not attribute that to the old bugaboo of homophobic conservative Christian white males being the culprits, and instead points to a self-destructive lifestyle of drugs and crime as being the environment they immerse themselves in. I believe that's bad for everybody regardless.

As for being unemployable, that too is the result of choices, as much as Opposite Day "progressives" again want to pin the blame on mean old intolerant bigots.

I always figured an employer was my customer, and it was on me to provide the required services in a superior manner to the competition (other employees they could hire instead of me). And that's a total package that includes performance and attitude.

I guess that's what makes me a privileged hater.

[Via Matthew L]

The Fake News Loophole

Except more people will absorb the NBC account than will ever see this third party correction from a comparative bit player. [More]

[Via Jess]

Coming Soon to a Cartel Territory Near You

Agent Rogelio Martinez died Sunday morning as a result of injuries he and his partner sustained after responding to "activity" while on patrol on Interstate 10 near Van Horn, according to a statement from Border Patrol. It wasn't immediately clear when the incident occurred. [More]
They still haven't got the last one figured out.

I wonder how many "just plain folks" travel that section of road every day.

Or live near any of these places.

Aren't xenophobes just the worst kind of people?

[Via Jess]


Ah, so I wrongly impugned the cartels.  It was just people looking for a better life who have earned the right to be citizens and to crush our people's heads in with rocks.


Did I hear someone say "OODA loophole"? [More]

[Via Jeet]

Well That Explains a Lot...

Khalighi said that Simmons, who was then about twice her age, tried to force her to have intercourse. “I fought it wildly,” she said. He eventually relented and coerced her to perform oral sex, she alleged. “I guess I just acquiesced.” [More]
That's the way Russell likes his ladies, his not just ladies, and everybody else who can't afford his "non"-bodyguards-- helpless.

He's quite the Everytown cultural influencer, alright.

For the Children

Really? My kids? Just wow. [More]

Let's review the bidding: Ann Coulter makes a demonstrable assertion about the effects of current immigration policies on the American electorate. I make an equally demonstrable extrapolation (if you deny that, you answer the challenge) about the legal and judicial effect that will have on the way the right to keep and bear arms is recognized by government.

Then out of nowhere this crazy lady appears and wishes my kids (by the way, I considered mine cubs) dead? Gun-grabbers sure are violent.

So them being killed
would teach me?
As disappointed as she'll be, feral sons Uday and Qusay both managed to make it to adulthood with  the chances of that happening minimized. That's because their mother and I knew that part of our job as parents committed to their protection was making sure they both received continued development-appropriate firearms exposure and training. That's as opposed to, you know, the avoidance and ignorance demanded by "common sense gun safety" advocates.

So who is this monster carrying around such bloody-minded, seething resentment for the millions of more-traditional Americans with whom she disagrees?

Her Twitter account says she's a "Musician, lover of design and art " out of Clearwater, FL. That matches up to a Facebook account that further tells us she
is "Now performing with At Large Band."

Oh, look. Nice to put a face and a CV with the person who wishes such nice things for me. And nice to see their calendar of upcoming performances.

How curious, though: Some of their regular gigs appear to be for American Legion Post 79 and a couple VFW posts, Dunedin and Indian Rocks.  I say "curious" because like me, they also advocate for caring adults providing youth firearms instruction, meaning they understand that responsible firearms ownership is an American tradition to be honored and carried on:


I wonder if Lotte would express the same hateful sentiment to her patrons about their children as she did to me.

I think I'll ask.

Lady, Did You Ever Stop to Think...

...that maybe it's just you? [Watch (or don't)]

I'm sure the eight-to-one "thumbs down" ratio will only exacerbate the cluelessness and the finger-pointing.

I do wonder how soon we'll see a "cry for help." She clearly needs it, and if there is anyone she has not alienated, they need to try and get it for her.

Unclear on the Concept

Marshawn Lynch only stands for Mexican national anthem [More]
Uh... Marshawn...? These were offical Mexican government issue from just a few years back (until a stink was raised):

And shall we take a look at the "public face" diversity over at Univision?

He sure does look like he's got quite a lot to be resentful about with this country.

I guess if "progressives" call him "Beast Mode" it's OK?

Playing ‘Gotcha’ on ‘Illegal’ Nuke Order Unwittingly Supports Premise behind Oath Keepers

The bottom line is, he didn’t just volunteer the information as an “in your face” to his Commander-in-Chief, he was responding to a question, and what’s more, he responded correctly. [More]
Funny how "progressives" praise some and condemn others for advocating the very same thing...

Well, I'm Back

And several days away has put me right behind the 8-ball in terms of obligations and needed work. As I feared on the front end, sorry, but I'm just not going to be able to address all the emails and tips received in my absence, and there were a lot of them. I did get to comments last night, as there weren't too many and that's quick work. As for the rest, I'll get to what I can. I apologize if you're one who took the time to reach out and hope you understand.