Would Trump Consider an 'Assault Rifle' Ban? It Appears that He Would [More]Everything's on the table.
And unsated appetites grow unless they're suppressed.
Notes from the Resistance...
Would Trump Consider an 'Assault Rifle' Ban? It Appears that He Would [More]Everything's on the table.
I was not raised to be racist. In fact my mother took me to Harlem to integrate and all black nursery school when I was 4. [More]So some of your best friends were black?
His name was not released, but he has a criminal history, police said. [More]Why don't we know his name? The story's been out for 18 hours now.
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University of Virginia to offer aid to undocumented students [More]How generous of you to pay your fair share!
This is precisely the time to protect our rights against those peddling a crisis for ulterior motives as part of a total political war. [More]Which is why I have such contempt for preemptively surrendering Republicans. In the hour of need, when it's time for the men who presume to be our leaders to show what they're made of, they're struggling into dresses and crowding into lifeboats.
Cooper started off the interview by saying “So to gun owners out there who say well, a Biden administration means they’re going to come for my guns.”
Biden quickly responded “Bingo”. [More]Doesn't this creepy buffoon have a little girl to grope or something?
Woman Says She Called 911 Twice And Got No Answer [More]When seconds count...
ACTION ALERT: YOUR SENATORS NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU! [More]Your Republican senators, that is.
Say 'No' to 'Red Herring' Gun Confiscation Laws
Per a piece in The Wall Street Journal by Alan Dershowitz, a freaking liberal, for crying out loud: "Research shows that any group of people identified as future violent criminals will contain many more who will not be violent (false positives) than they will (true positives). More true positives mean more false ones. Such groups also fail to identify many future violent criminals (false negatives)."
Unless and until you are prepared to address that and the very real probability of abuses against citizens' rights, including denial of the true due process evidence standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt" with more than hollow con job weasel words, your voting to abet an enemy that wants to disarm Americans will expose you as a fraud and an oath-breaker. As such, are you really comfortable enough with the way votes break in your state to take the fire out of the bellies of a huge core constituency? How about instead you use your position of influence and reach to educate voters, instead of taking the betrayer's way out?
After the president gave his support Monday for a "Red Flag" law, others have joined in. That includes Congressman Morgan Griffith. [More]You know, that A+ Fairfax endorsee we can "can count on ... to stand up for our constitutional freedoms in the U.S. House."
Research shows that any group of people identified as future violent criminals will contain many more who will not be violent (false positives) than they will (true positives). More true positives mean more false ones. Such groups also fail to identify many future violent criminals (false negatives). [More]The article is behind a paywall but that's the crux of it.
David Frum shows why red flag laws are ‘a huge mistake’ by asking why these photos of people carrying guns aren’t ‘red flags’ [More]But...but...but he was a speechwriter for the "Vote Freedom First" President...
"Now, I want to see all those off the streets. There's no reason for any American (to) own a weapon who shoots a lot of rounds or rapidly shoots rounds," said Smith. [More]How soon 'til the next riot?
"The numbers 8/8 are very significant in the neo-Nazi and the white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter 'H' is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them, the numbers 8/8 stand for 'Heil Hitler.'" [More]So I'd think these national socialists would go for that...
It’s clear that our Founding Fathers wanted us to have the means to keep all the weapons needed to not just defend this land, but also to protect it from the government if need be. [More]Avoiding the militia argument and focusing entirely on individual self-defense, both in advocacy and in legal arguments, ultimately works against us.
"I am tired of half steps, old ideas and fake urgency around the problem we face: the presence of guns in our communities,” Liss-Riordan said in a statement Tuesday morning. “Enough is enough. It is time we take real action and repeal the Second Amendment.” [More]But...but...but hunting...
“I wish I could say in the best of all possible worlds, yeah, you can own any weapon you want and so forth and such." [More]That's not your call, commie.
According to the family's attorneys, the mother's inquiry was "informational" in nature and was not motivated out of a concern that her son posed a threat to anybody. [More]Sure.
"Patrick's actions were apparently influenced and informed by people we do not know, and from ideas and beliefs we do not accept or condone."It sure seems the family is going to extraordinary lengths to maintain the illusion of denial and no accountability.
Trump warned by NRA over background checks [More]Good. About time they said something, and they're talking to the right guy.