I'll be away from the internet until Sunday. Please hold off on all emails and note if you post comments, moderation won't happen 'til I'm back.
Elder feral son Uday is guarding the homestead.
Friday, August 08, 2014
Fla. Department of Law Enforcement asked to verify sheriff’s gun qualification
Lt. Weston’s remarkable and shocking allegations must be fully investigated, and the department must ensure that all doubts about certifications being earned are resolved. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner notes someone is lying, and asks those in charge to simply determine the truth.
A Sweeping Indictment
First—and it’s hard to believe this even happened, but numerous eye witness accounts attest to it—shortly before ending the cross-examination for the day Assistant Prosecutor Aritha Siringas picked up Wafer’s shotgun and pointed it directly at the jury, finger on the trigger.Or rather, the lack of a sweeping indictment...
One assumes this was done through negligence, rather than intentionally—it would be most awkward to see Prosecutor Siringas bring charges against herself for fourteen counts of aggravated assault with a firearm. [More]
If I were the defense attorney, I'd introduce Cooper's rules and then refer them to the prosecutor's misconduct.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Proper Enough
Sheriff's report: 19 shots in friendly-fire incident 'proper' [More]I don't know what's more proper -- opening fire on one of their own or missing with all 19 shots.
Fortunately, "'multiple' mobile homes and cars had been hit," to add to the propriety of the situation and so that the incident wasn't a total loss.
[Via Harvey]
We're the Only Ones Transcending Enough
Americans Killed by Cops Now Outnumber Americans Killed in Iraq War [More]I think I'm going to use this one as a springboard for a column next week.
[Via Neil W]
REESE UPDATE: Hearing to Reduce Bond
AUSA Armijo claimed that Terri Reese had not complied with the court’s request to disclose all assets and financial information. She claimed that Terri still has anger at the U.S. government and had not had any mental health treatment. AUSA Armijo also informed the judge that the government is seeking an upward departure from the sentencing guidelines. AUSA characterized Terri’s actions as “a threat to national security.” She further claimed that Terri needs “anger management” and a “full mental health evaluation.” Terri would face over five years and to date she had only served approximately seven months. AUSA Armijo claimed the only reason she was released before trial was for medical issues. AUSA Armijo also claimed that there were also obstruction of justice issues related to Terri’s trial testimony. [More]Terri still has anger at the U.S. government?
I wonder why.
Careerist Armijo would have fit right in with the Revolutionary Tribunals.
Official terrorists got away with it then and are getting away with it now.
You've spread the word and helped, right?
Beautiful DREAMers
Border Patrol Agent: Federal Government Releasing Murderers Into U.S. [More]
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I note most "gun groups" and "gun bloggers" have totally ignored the direct impact allowing illegal immigrants to follow a "pathway to citizenship" will have on the electorate and the future of gun rights in the legislatures and the courts, allowing endorsed Republican sell-outs to beat better candidates in the primaries. "Single issue," you know.
Wait 'til these guys start upping the "gun deaths" and we get the blame. Maybe then those who have been silent will start to notice another direct impact this madness has on RKBA.
Meanwhile, go back to sleep, all who will not see, will not hear, will not speak, and thus will be forced to act or give up. Pleasant DREAMs.
Sorry, Joe.
I've done what I can.
I hope enough others have, but I have my doubts.
That was a direct result of smaller voices being drowned out by the establishment, and most who hear those smaller voices not lifting a finger to help spread the word. What that means is, the information stays trapped in an echo chamber.
Regular Gun Rights Examiner/WarOnGuns Correspondent russn8r makes a valiant effort under the WND piece in "comments."
Your Government at Work
So how much more is this parasite going to cost us? I don't suppose revoking his citizenship and kicking him out will be an option? [More]
This Day in History: August 8
The Inspector of Music will see that exact uniformity in the different beats prevail throughout the army. the signals of the drum as pointed out in the regulations are to be continually made use of and pointedly attended to—the Drum and fife majors of the several corps composing this army will every day assemble to receive the instructions of the inspecter of music at such convenient time and place as he shall point out—this order to continue in force untill the inspector of music shall report them perfect in their duties. [More]
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