"Make me safe from armed violence."
You're not gonna freakin' believe this. I'm not sure I do. But it'll all be explained by the end of this post.
Submissions keep coming in, and it looks like the new tack is working: Control Arms is posting the pictures of some serious scumbags.
Before we address them, let's take a look at some of the more conventional protest pictures.
Friend HZ already entered a photo of his wife demonstrating skills every responsible mother should master. He notes Control Arms doesn't shy away from using ignorant children to score propaganda points, so he thought it only fair to show what non-fearful and informed, that is, trained children look like. (Oh, my, his little girl is a doll!)

Mark P followed up on the responsible parenting theme, but Control Arms apparently found this sweet submission (© Oleg Volk) "offensive":

Brent K and his friends wish the nannies at Control Arms would leave them alone. Yeah, I caught the "bare," but what the heck? Can't some guys just have some fun without getting grammar-checked?

JT "sent this one to them." Why is it Control Arms looks at a man like this and sees a threat--and I look at him and see a potential shooting buddy?

Frank T thinks he has a way to help "stop terror." I don't see this posted over at the Million Faces campaign, so Control Arms must not agree...in fact, they're probably in terror knowing men like Frank are out there.

Jeremy H agrees. He didn't have much success when he sent in a picture showing how he enjoys himself around guns, so he thought a photo showing empathy with the Control Arms fear freaks might merit their attention. This one makes me laugh every time I look at it.

Captain of a Crew of One looks to be a man who doesn't share in the fear. And check out what his nephew, KT, got posted on the Million Faces site! They apparently don't recognize the difference between a plea and a dare.

The Captain also has some candidates for the Predator Parade section, below. I'm sure he'll let us know if and when Control Arms posts them.
I was pleased to see Head of Bunker fame weigh in on this. When he says "I WILL NEVER! GIVE THEM UP," I'd tend to believe him--and conduct myself accordingly.

Kristopher has a message that may underscore Head's sentiment. You don't think he's being too...ahhh...subtle, do you?

Ride Fast & Shoot Straight also has a message for the global gun grabbers. Well wadd'ya know? They posted it!

South Park Pundit brings some "Sunshine" into the lives of the gloomy gun-haters by showing them the face of a compliant subject for their global Nirvana. They liked it, proving witless submission will always win their approval!

Tomato 7, on the other hand, has no intention of going along with the program, as this graphic (© Oleg Volk) aptly demonstrates.

I don't know who to credit for this one that slipped through--the name given is "Scott", and the message is "Make me safe from armed violence." That's pretty ironic if you realize the bust is of Spartan King Leonidas, of "Molon Labe!" fame.

I also don't know who "Sam" is, who got this on the Million Faces site, but he certainly knows his math.

Those are the "old school" entries that keep with the spirit and intent of the original Million Moon March concept. Now it's time to look at the "new tack" submissions, something I like to think of as...
Predators on Parade
We, of course, must begin with GunShowOnTheNet's original plea from genocidal butcher Pol Pot to "Make me safe from gun violence" that Control Arms agreed with enough to post.

Be sure and check out David's new page. Feel free to send him a photo for posting in his "rogue's gallery," along with who it is, a brief bio, and a link to your site if you have one.
2 Valuable worried that murdering cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer might go hungry if his prey had the power to repel him. Lucky for Jeffrey he's got a friend in the Million Faces campaign. M-m-m-m...faces...

An anonymous contributor notes that Heinrich Himmler was probably concerned about "the terror trade." Naturally, Control Arms sides with an SS Reichsführer who endorses the concept of a government monopoly of power. I'd be surprised if they don't revere him as a founding führ...uhh...father.

Blognomicon! Don't you know that smoking can cause health problems? Not nearly as many as Joseph Stalin caused (what was it, something like 20 Million deaths?), but as long as he agrees with their citizen disarmament goals, the Million Facers are more than willing to overlook the pipe...

Increasingly, doctors are jumping on the gun control bandwagon, using a public health/pathogen model to discourage private gun ownership, and generally sticking their noses into patient's business with gun storage advice they are totally unqualified to dispense. David Homoney found another physician against gun violence that Control Arms agreed deserved a place of honor on their site. After all, Che Guevara was a doctor (and like Uncle Joe, above, a

Free Constitution thinks Che's pal Fidel Castro, seen here with Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, would like to be safe from gun violence, or at least return fire. Control Arms agrees.

Incidentally, to give credit where it's due, this was actually the first picture I was aware of matching predators with a gun control plea--but as fortune would have it, I got news of the Pol Pot photo being posted on the Control Arms site first, and that's what made me decide to change the focus of this project. Stan also has some other suggestions on his site, guys like Slobodan Milosevich, Joseph Stalin and serial killer Ted Bundy, below--I'm sure he'll let us know if they're "accepted."

Hey, I just noticed: "Jack" here--who wants to "get tough on arms"-- looks like the Slobo picture that Stan posted:

Fun Bob had fun submitting this smiling portrait of "Ricardo"-- a BIG proponent of "gun control." The fact that Ricardo's real name was Adolf Eichmann might have something to do with that.

GeekWithA.45 blew me away with "Smilin' Lon" Horiuchi, notorious for...uhh...blowing people away. Control Arms was blown away, too, because they think Lon and his friends are the only ones who can be trusted with guns.

In addition to peace-loving Sunshine in the previous section, South Park Pundit thinks convicted sex offender Daniel would appreciate being safe from armed violence. Some parents are just so intolerant! Control Arms wants to grant Daniel his wish.

Tomato 7 also has a second entry. His message is simple. "Keep Slobo safe", and Control Arms heartily agrees. I might add "It's the ethnically clean thing to do!"

Viking Ambition knows that Zimbabwean tyrant Robert Mugabe doesn't want any "more arms for atrocities," at least if they might be used to stop the atrocities his armed thugs commit. Naturally, Control Arms has adopted the Mugabe Doctrine.

In addition to his "accepted" poster shown above, Ride Fast & Shoot Straight has also submitted another supporter of controlling arms, SS-Gruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich. Good looking devil, wasn't he? Fodder--be sure and let us know if he makes the cut over at Million Faces.

William Clark is three for three with the panel of submissions judges at Control Arms: "Pol", "Polson" and "Adolf" from "Germany" (which cracks me up every time I think about it).

Here's what I promised would be revealed by the end of this post. This is unbelievable. I think Void Where Prohibited deserves some sort of prize for this entry.

I can't believe the Million Faces posted this. But I guess Osama's entitled to his opinion, too...
As are all the Predators on Parade at the Control Arms Gallery, as this image from Thus I Have Spoken attests. (Thanks, SteamDragon! I see he recently escaped from his Blogspot site. Everybody make note of his new digs and update your blogrolls accordingly.)

That's it for this week's Gallery. Keep those Predators on Parade Pix coming, and be sure and send in a link when they appear on the Million Faces website. And like I said here--if you have your own blog, feel free to start your own gallery with your visitors. Tell me about it and I'll link to it from WarOnGuns.
Clarification Update-- I just got an email from William Clark:
Hey, I wanted to make something clear (I did not intend to mislead you) I posted Pol Pot, and found the other two... Just in case someone else says "Hey I posted Adolf from Germany..." It's still funny... I have a few more I am posting in the works... Thanks