The new gallery, featuring a special "Predators on Parade" section, will go up on Monday. In the mean time, here are some links from folks who have kindly helped promote the project since the last update. If I missed you, please don't get mad--there's only one of me and as I type, sons Uday and Qusay are running through the house fighting and screaming like monkeys on fire (wait a minute--they are on fire!) while Honey-Do is giving me a choice between the clipping shears or the rolling pin. So if I negligently slighted you, just leave a comment below to correct the record, OK? And if you just sent a picture file with no link, that'll be posted on Monday, too.
2 Valuable and Control Arms agree that guns might spoil Jeffrey Dahmer's appetite.
Alphecca has some kind words.
"Anonymous" and the folks at Control Arms realize people like Heinrich Himmler need special protection.
Blognomicon treats us to a happy guy with a pipe.
Captain of a Crew of One is posting his own gallery. Check out what his nephew got posted--the Control Arms idiots think it's a plea instead of a dare.
David Homoney knows that there are special people who need to be kept safe from gun violence...Isn't that right, Sr. Guevara?
End the War on Freedom tells his readers about the new tack, and also took me up on my suggestion. Surprise!
Fish or Man sees both the humor and the deadly seriousness of this project.
Free Constitution shares his gallery in today's Second Amendment Saturday post. Sorry, Stan, I haven't had the time to figure out how to do trackbacks yet (If I do this will it work? I've repeatedly told everyone how unskilled I am at this com-pyoo'-tor stuff), but happy birthday...and congratulations on keeping Hugo and Fidel a little safer!
Funbob thinks that Ado...I mean, Ricardo, might have good reason to support gun control...
GeekWithA.45 hit a grand slam with his inspired submission. Put down the baby, Vicky, and no one will get hurt!
GunShowOnTheNet shows us his own gallery that demonstrates "Just be Armed."
Head's Bunker has a submission that shows him to be one of the last people to try and make submit.
Kristopher sent in a message that made me shoot coffee through my nose. I wonder what the physical reaction over at Control Arms was?
Oscar Poppa has an update that includes links to other sites as well (let's see if I missed any...). He's thinking of starting the Central Texas chapter of the Million Moon March, so be sure and check him regularly for updates...
Rational Review gave us a nice endorsement. Thanks, Mary Lou!
Ride Fast & Shoot Straight has three posts and a bullseye.
Say Uncle thinks we're having an effect, and he likes the Geek's entry.
South Park Pundit shows us how a convicted sex offender can bring a little Sunshine into our lives...The results? Two for two!
Tomato 7 got the gang over at Control Arms to agree to Keep Slobo Safe! He also sent them a cool poster.
Viking Ambition correctly perceives Robert Mugabe's wishes.
Void Where Prohibited has no doubt his entry wishes to be kept safe from armed violence. This is just too rich!
William Clark is on a roll. Not only does Pol need protection, but so do his friends Polson and <snort> "Adolf" from "Germany"...
Many thanks to those of you who are supporting this. Look for pictures to be posted on Monday, and please keep spreading the word.
Are we having fun yet? I know I sure am.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
This USED to Be a Joan Collins Joke...

Q: What does Madonna put behind her ears to make herself attractive?
A: Her ankles.
From "Immaterial Girl," my August/September 2003 HANDGUNS Magazine opinion piece (sorry, the complete article is not online):
So what’s Madonna’s response to ordinary people who don’t have bodyguards? What about those of us who will be arrested if caught carrying a firearm without a permit that we can’t obtain? And what should we who can’t summon a law enforcement retinue when traveling do?
Madonna was one of the celebrity signatories to the Handgun Control, Inc., “Open Letter to the NRA” appearing in USA Today...
So I guess she's demonstrating the position she wishes us to assume when in the presence of predatory government or free agents--just to save everybody involved a lot of unnecessary time and effort...
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