Here are a couple things I have not verified but this is out there being discussed and merits being validated:
"Intern," if this is really you, don't say anything to anyone until you have a lawyer and an agent. You will be an internet sensation and a millionaire in no time. (I predict a major switching of sides and casting as a naive young victim.)
And if NRA has been funneling millions into this guy, who this post claims is a major Democrat/gun-grabber donor, then what are supporters really ultimately donating to?
I think it's pretty obvious at this point that things can't go on and no one at the top can claim plausible deniability. No one. I also just had a visual flash through my mind making me wonder if Wayne will publicly sob harder than Jim Bakker.
I see some cautioning against talking about this stuff, as if that will give the enemy more ammunition than the greedy, arrogant and stupid Lairds already have. This is entirely of their own making.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Faking of a Justice
Heller and the Second Amendment, Stevens said in the interview, produce “such disastrous practical effects. I think there’s no need for all the guns we have in the country and if I could get rid of one thing it would be to get rid of that whole gun climate.” [More]And if I could get rid of one thing, it would be judicial subversives.
Night of the Evil Butterball Redux
‘Extremely Scary’: Jamaica Plain Residents Fearful Of Aggressive Turkeys [More]The tolerated degradation of the masses is damned near complete.
Of Course You Realize This Means War
Barr Appoints US Attorney to Investigate Govt Spying on Trump Campaign [More]So the "contempt" charge is actually obstruction of justice?
Lies, Damned Lies...
...and gun-grabber "studies." [More]
But here's the thing: This crap gets plenty of funding and media coverage.
What does the author bringing us the truth get?
'Outright Lies'
The recent statements by Charles Cotton and Carolyn Meadows that are appearing in the Wall Street Journal, and now other news outlets, are outright lies. I have never been told, advised, informed or consulted about any of these details mentioned in the WSJ, and who knows how much more despicable spending of members’ money. [More]That's just what my director friend told me.
The more I see of this previously unknown-to-me Meadows character, the more I want her out -- now. Along with Wayne and the cabal she's flacking for.
Democrats Show Partisan Hypocrisy in Contempt Treatments
It’s no surprise that Democrats today once more are intent on putting any official Fast and Furious inquiries into illegal activities behind them and instead want to focus public attention on non-crimes related to AG Barr’s summation and testimony on the Mueller investigation. Hundreds and counting died (and are still being victimized) from Fast and Furious – the only thing dying from the politically-motivated “Russian collusion” hoax is the truth. [More]To paraphrase Rhett Butler, they deserve to be shown contempt, and often, and by someone who knows how.
The Simplest Explanation
On these facts, there would appear to be no serious issue. Brown was in Ohio, sold guns in Ohio and complied with the law. Yet, along the way, the trial court’s grant of his motion to dismiss was reversed, and his motion for summary judgment was denied. How could this be? [More]Because gun-grabbers are sadistic, destructive. tyrannical douches?
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Businesslike Enough
The cop actually hauling him to the station was more to the point, telling the man he was arresting him for "interfering with our livelihood." [More]And you don't want to get between an attack dog and its food dish.
[Via Michael G]
There's an App for That
DC May Soon Allow Residents To Issue Parking Tickets. [More]Become an Official Snitch with the STASI Program!
I predict some great real-world examples of how power corrupts.
[Via Michael G]
A Range of Opinions
President Trump Signs Bill to Fund State-Level Gun Range Expansion [More]Yeah, well we've been down this "gun range funding = true champion of the Second Amendment" before.
I'm trying to square that with bump stocks and "due process later" red flags.
[Via Wynn A]
What, He Worry?
“Alfred E. Neuman cannot become president of the United States.” [More]I wouldn't be too sure about that.
[Via Mack H]
At Fault AND a Liar
Mayor de Blasio’s NYPD vehicle was driving wrong way when it crashed with truck, sparking cover-up [More]You were expecting ethics?
[Via Felix B]
As I Recall
Recall of state Rep. Tom Sullivan, sponsor of Colorado’s red-flag gun-control legislation, moves forward [More]
Good. Pull a Roberti on his @$$ and make him drain his campaign coffers.
[Via cydl]
In Her Own Words
Mr. Benny...?Anti-rights zealot Senator Ginny Burdick promised that gun grabbing bills would fail “over my dead body”... [More]
We're the Fauxnly Ones Acting Fishy Enough
A Naples man was arrested for impersonating an FBI agent. When told to leave a homeowner’s property, the suspect dropped catfish on her lawn, then fled the scene on a bicycle ... The victim said Dudley drove a bike with red and blue flashing lights into her front yard ... [More]Life imitates art.
[Via Steve T]
A Subject Matter Expert
Stanislaus County child support lawyer arrested in San Joaquin County sex sting [More]One more and we'll have us a spate.
[Via Neil W]
Speaking of Fantasy
A fantasy of guns and rugged self-reliance is killing our kids [More]What can I say but "Leonard Pitts"?
[Via bondmen]
There Oughta be a Law
The report said 93% of the (51/55) felonious deaths, the perpetrator used a handgun...Over half of the perpetrators had criminal arrests, and 20% were under judicial supervision at the time of the feloniously killing of an officer. [More]Something must be done...
[Via bondmen]
'Absolutely Working'
Public Safety Director believes St. Louis is on the right track combating violent crime [More]Bureaucrats...
[Via bondmen]
An American Hero
Yeah, right. [More]
When you put on the uniform and step out onto the field, your job is to perform. If you want to represent yourself, do it on your own time.
A Safe Bet
“He’s not in the scary wing of the party,” she said. [More]Flesh that out. What's "scary" about it?
Crescit Eundo
Cartels ‘kicking our butts’ in New Mexico, as state left without checkpoints [More]"Left without" sounds so passive, but then again, calling it "a deliberate act of treason" will result in social and economic ostracism.
Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."
Right, leading "gun bloggers"?
Scarfing Down
Following the 1979 Islamic revolution compulsory hijab was enforced throughout Iran with women forced to dress modestly and cover themselves with the Islamic veil. Every year with the advent of the holy Islamic month of Ramadan authorities strictly enforce the mandatory Islamic dress code. [More]And f***ing idiot anti-gun white women wear them as symbols of solidarity.
We're Number One!
Immigration crime, virtually all involving illegal male, Hispanic immigrants, was the top offense in federal courts last year, according to the United States Sentencing Commission. [More]Brought to you by the Democrat Party and cheap labor Republicans...
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