I'm concerned about tolerance and acceptance, too. KABA's Inclusion Policy was derived from the one I originated at GunTruths.com, in an attempt to show everyone that--regardless of our differences--you have a right to self defense that all must respect.
The problem is, those who posture the loudest about diversity don't seem very tolerant of traditional values. Heck, the SF cops launched an investigation of me for asking the mayor if I could exercise my right to keep and bear arms in his city (and hypothetically describing what that might look like).
So it's not like the political left embraces diversity that doesn't advance their agenda. I wonder if children who wish to express and exemplify "traditional values" feel welcomed, or if prevailing attitudes intimidate them from proudly expressing who they are...?
Just to make sure all feel there is a "safe space" for them in San Leandro's public schools, I'm sending Ms. Lim a link to this post, and asking her to also make sure the following message gets posted in the classrooms, side-by-side with the other.

What a wonderful way to show tolerance and acceptance of all! Think there's a chance in hell she'll do it?
Tags: gun, tolerance, diversity, school