Capitalism is evil. [More]I'll say it once more: Expel him.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Why, Oh Why?
"Why has there been so much hostility to Chavez? Because he challenged the Washington consensus, saying that the neo-liberal economy was not in the interests of the poor in South America." [More]It couldn't just be because he's a tyrant who deserves a tyrant's fate? What, the rich Hollywood left doesn't mind seeing radio stations closed?
Many of the national socialists here wouldn't mind seeing the same types of iron-fisted restrictions. Which explains part of the motivation for "gun control."
And which is why they are domestic enemies, deserving of a domestic enemy's fate.
Packing and Flying the Friendly Skies
At the LayerOne 2009 conference, security expert Deviant Ollam gave a talk on the subject of securing your computer equipment and other high-value items in your luggage while flying the friendly skies. His solution: pack a gun in your luggage. [More]An interesting unintended consequence, to say the least.
The video is here.
If you decide to try it, make sure you read this first. Depending on your destination or other factors, this could result in other unintended consequences.
[Via Carl S]
We're the Only Ones Carrying a Torch Enough
That probe focuses on whether NOPD officers just days after Katrina played a role in shooting 31-year-old Henry Glover, beating him and his buddies, then later torching the vehicle where his body was discovered, sources close to the case have said. It is not clear whether the officers believed to be involved in the shooting and those who allegedly set fire to the car knew about each others' roles, sources have said. [More]Then so much for the "few bad apples" theory...
Remember, they're not just "Only Ones"...they're New Orleans "Only Ones"!
And you're not.
[Via retrotruckman]
We're the Only Ones On the Job Enough
An off-duty detective who was "wasted" following a night of boozing in Brooklyn was suspended on Saturday - after his gun accidentally went off and blasted a hole in a car, police sources said...Bloomberg's finest.
"Don't f--- with me! I'm on the job," Powell, 40, told them, a source said. [More]
Because "Only Ones" are so much more responsible than the rest of us.
Especially New York "lift a finger against us and die" Only Ones.
Is there any question in your mind what would happen to a citizen who defended himself against this drunken thug?
I'm not saying "Don't," I'm just asking why anyone would hang around to find out?
[Via Harvey]
We're the Only Ones Making Home Deliveries Enough

Clayton County police are looking for two assault rifles stolen from a police squad car late Thursday night.And what's this?
The two submachine guns were taken from the trunk, she said.Really?
Ah, our good "right wing" friends at Faux News clarify:
High-powered assault weapons were stolen from police cars and a U.S. Army soldier's vehicle...Right. "Authorized Journalists."
According to the police report, missing are a MP5 machine gun, a Bushmaster XM15 machine gun...
Still, this seems to be happening a lot lately.
Oh look, here's another one. And another...
It's almost like some "Only Ones" are starting to sense something disconcerting in the wind. Either that or...
[Via Harvey]
Where There's a Will There's a Way. Or is There?
Tommy Sherman sent me the following observations via email, and gave me permission to share them with you:
Several years ago an old widower I knew of died leaving a very extensive and historic gun collection to his only child, a daughter. She had a 13-year-old-son that understood the value of the guns and that some of them were family hand me downs. Despite frantic begging by the grandson to keep the collection, the daughter was having none of it. She unloaded the whole lot for pennies on the dollar to the first one who could write her a check. She then quickly spent it on "Stalin's baubles" (hats & shoes).He then sent me this:
Most wills are not worth the paper they are written on. Several years ago a friend at church died and his widow called me to come look at his guns and see if I wanted to buy them. He had less than 10 as I remember. She mentioned that in his will he had detailed out to which relatives he wanted each gun to go to, but that she wasn't going to honor his request and was just going to sell them. I told her she needed to honor the request of the man she loved and lived with for all those years and then I left. I never did hear what she finally did, and who would be willing to contest a widow unless it was a big lot of items? In all probability none of his family knew what was in his will. If at all possible one needs to get things where they want them before one expires. The ones that involve their family members in shooting & self defense don't seem to have near the inheritance problems in general.
After thought: The old widower should have known what his daughter would probably do. What he should have done is set up a trust for the grandson with a disinterested third party as trustee and a copy to the trustee with a pre-arranged contract already in place. When setting up wills you need to imagine everything bad that could possibly happen. Parents all too often don't see their children the way they really are.Now I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, but that seems like good advice.
We're the Only Ones Striking the Kids Enough
While police fired rounds to "destroy the animal," some bullets ricocheted and struck two children... [More]Not "stop"?
I wonder if they apply that philosophy to people?
At least they recovered a weapon. Because if anyone but a highly-trained Chi-Town "Only One" had one, why someone--even children--could get hurt.
[Via mpr]
In or Out?
Far fetched? It couldn’t happen here? Maybe and maybe not. [More]Mark Epstein speculates on potentials. While no one can predict with certainty the way specific actions and events might unfold, I can think of less likely things that could happen.
Like surrendering all without a fight.
Also see:
Armed Revolution Part II: Setting Brush Fires
Armed Revolution Part III: “Taking out the Comms”
[Via Skip]It's a Real Privilege!
"If we see anybody else we would do the same thing."
And they'll keep doing it with no legal authority. [More]
I can think of several rebuttals I did not hear in this exchange.
"Thank you guys for coming out and keeping the peace" would not be one of them.
[Via HZ]
And they'll keep doing it with no legal authority. [More]
I can think of several rebuttals I did not hear in this exchange.
"Thank you guys for coming out and keeping the peace" would not be one of them.
[Via HZ]
Can ATF Be Reformed?

Simply put, it's an organization I can find no Constitutional justification for.Today's Gun Rights Examiner looks at attempts to legislatively rein in ATF.
Some believe the agency capable of reform. [More]
I can guess what many of you are thinking, and I'll get to that. I envision this being the first of a three-parter.
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
Tell a friend?
This Day in History: September 7
In respect to the Militia requested of Jersey, His Excellency is doubtfull whether they can be obtained; For Governor Livingston, by a late Letter, informed him, that he had no expectation, that more than Three Hundred of the Thousand called for to garrison the posts in the Highlands, would march, notwithstanding he had Issued Orders for that purpose... [More]
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