Here are the results of last week's poll (click on picture to enlarge):

Notes from the Resistance...
Then the cops came. They ordered everyone off the steps and onto the ground. They shouted and pointed guns. They handcuffed some people and searched everyone. A 24-year-old mother had to leave her 8-month-old daughter on the porch.
Two hours later, the residents knew police had been looking for a gun they never found.
If you have a story of self-defense involving the aid of a gun and would like to tell it to 20/20, please fill out the form below. A "20/20" producer may contact you.
A northeast Baltimore mother said she's angry and frustrated after her 12-year-old child was left alone to sit on a curb while police arrested her father and took him to central booking.
Let me beseech you to use every possible means to collect your men together, and not suffer some to be in one place, some in another; and let me also entreat you, to charge your Recruiting Officers in explicit, and positive terms to be exceedingly attentive to that duty, as idleness and dissipation will not meet with the smallest countenance. Your other officers are to attend the Regiment closely and not suffer'd under various excuses, to be idling their time away in Philadelphia or elsewhere.