So Terkel’s needing to resort to Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule is understandable; it’s all she’s got. Compare her education, experience and achievements with Green’s CV. [More]The more unqualified the leftist, the greater the hostility toward people of achievement. Funny how that works.
Wednesday, May 03, 2017
HuffPost Horror over Trump Army Secretary Pick Indication Green May be Right Man for Job
The Blame Game
It’s much easier to look for a scapegoat than admit you made a $20 million mistake. [More]A-yup.
Thank goodness for incompetent enemies.
And the funny thing is, they don't dare sue those responsible for giving the bad advice and for taking it, because that would make them even bigger laughingstocks.
[Via Neil W]
More to the Story?
Springfield Armory, like Rock River Arms, was not aware of the actions taken by our trade association, IFMA, until after the fact. [More]I agree with Herschel:
If there is more to this story than we see, RRA and Springfield need to come clean and address the issues forthrightly – immediately.Otherwise, it will always follow them around.
Preaching to the Choir?
Sorry, I differentiate between the audience and the choir, the latter being the people actually making a commitment, spending time and doing something. Beyond posting comments. [More]
As for spreading the message beyond gun owners, even if Google doesn't remove one of my pieces from its news feed, I can only do so much, and use what platforms I have, including social media. Beyond that, it's up to people who get value from the work to share it with a wider readership.
It's not like I've made a secret of what I ask for from them.
I can think of a lot of ways to get the word out beyond the niche. I'm sure plenty of WarOnGuns regulars can, too.
The question is, will they? Be part of the choir...?
A Sticky Situation
Colgate University went on lockdown and students were ordered to shelter in place for four hours Monday night while police investigated reports of a gunman on the upstate New York campus. But the “threat” turned out to be a student using a glue gun for an art project. [More]See, this is what happens when you have ignorant, hysterical pussies cranking out new batches of ignorant, hysterical pussies.
[Via Keith B]
Conflict of Interest
Out because of "ties" to NRA? [More]
Because this guy complained?
I wonder what ties you'd find if you pulled his threads.
Or those of Post-Dispatch editors.
[Via bondmen]
Because this guy complained?
I wonder what ties you'd find if you pulled his threads.
Or those of Post-Dispatch editors.
[Via bondmen]
Who WAS That Masked Man?
This guy?
Just some 40-year-old crack smoking loser. No wonder he hates and blames. It's gotta be easier than admitting what he's gotta know about himself.
The quality of the enemy encourages me.
Just some 40-year-old crack smoking loser. No wonder he hates and blames. It's gotta be easier than admitting what he's gotta know about himself.
The quality of the enemy encourages me.
Turning Up the Heat on the Cold Civil War
Will the Second Civil War Turn Violent? [More]It already has.
Will it inspire a scouring of the Shire is another matter.
[Via Michael G]
Ready to Rumble?
Really? Based on this? [More]
I had a few observations.
And Pinkley's question nails it:
[Via Greg K]
Size Doesn't Matter
I've always thought, all other things considered, the most important element is will. [More]
[Via Neil W]
[Via Neil W]
We're the Only Ones Surprising Enough
The department says the deputy accidentally shot himself while re-holstering his weapon and sustained non-life threatening injuries. [More]Not being a highly-trained professional, I've never been able to do this. But these guys continually make it look so easy.
[Via TheFakePundit]
Doing the Job Americans Can't Do?
Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) is recruiting engineers from Mexico to work on robotics and other automated equipment at its California factory... [More]The next time some lying gun-grabber (but I repeat myself) starts blathering about U.S. "gun violence" being the highest in the "developed world," ask them how come Mexico is left off the country list.
Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You
The Department of State alerts U.S. citizens to the continued threat of terrorist attacks throughout Europe ... Extremists continue to focus on tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities as viable targets. In addition, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, high-profile events, educational institutions, airports, and other soft targets remain priority locations for possible attacks. U.S. citizens should exercise additional vigilance in these and similar locations, in particular during the upcoming summer travel season when large crowds may be common. [More]What kind of hater and Islamophobe could possibly object to bringing more here by the boatload?
After all, we're rigorous!
My Friend Carlos
It's amazing to me there are some Oath Keepers in "Comments" to my last article who don't get it. What doesn't surprise me is not one of them who express disagreement with me has even attempted to address my challenge.
That's because they can't.
Carlos Perdue does a great job setting -- if not them -- at least the record straight. I wouldn 't bet this discussion is over.
That's because they can't.
Carlos Perdue does a great job setting -- if not them -- at least the record straight. I wouldn 't bet this discussion is over.
The Internet IS Forever
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Comments rejected from my update on Rosey Vanderboegh:
Fort Hunt Park, Virginia, 19 April 2010.
Writing about the fictional run-up to a civil war, I am trying to avoid a real one. I hope people will read Absolved and class it as a "useful dire warning" as David Brin calls the genre. By warning folks of the unintended consequences of their actions, I hope to avoid them myself.And, oh, by the way, for those of you who have been flogging me about when Absolved will be done -- here it is. (Holds up a thumb drive.) My part is done, and it will be sent off to the editor and publisher next week.
Fort Hunt Park, Virginia, 19 April 2010.
Bullshit.Fucking liar.
hummus abedin
Hey, Dipshit…You do know that the internetis forever, until the servers go offline?
hummus abedin
Those track with another, comment rejected from an earlier piece I wrote when Mike was hospitalized and the doctors gave him a month to live:
Cav Med said... Your excuse-making about “Absolved” omits the little fact about Mike telling the world at Fort Hunt in 2010 that the novel was complete and sitting on a little thumb drive that he held up and waived around. Watch the video; you’ll see him say that. As one of his raving defenders, you must also know what happened to the $ sent for the pre-sales of the novel as well.
Because fuck all of you fraudulent "No More Free Waco" faggots.
Evidently there is a seething hatred and resentment this defect intends to carry with him to the grave.
He's referring to this.
And ignoring Mike's mea culpa directly addressing that, and the subsequent encouraging discussion that took place over five years ago. It's a dead non-issue, at least for normal people.
But not for this worm. He's evidently consumed with a need to piss on the memory of a better man when presented an opportunity. And, naturally, to do it anonymously.
I'm done with you, Cav Med or Huma, or whatever you want to call yourself to avoid personal accountability for revenge attacks against a dead man you still feel compelled to make. That says a lot about what you must be like in real life. And talk about living in your head rent-free.
If you've been financially injured by Mike's actions and stiffed on an"Absolved" deposit, sue his estate. But I've allowed your best shots here and now you're done -- no more comments for you.
You can slither away now.
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