With a big-city summit set for Tuesday, Mayor Bloomberg's war on traffickers is bringing results, but weapons keep flowing into his city as fast as police can seize them...In the bitter pre-dawn cold of a Sunday morning in February in the borough of Queens, members of New York's Operation Tripod pounced as gun traffickers from Ohio sought to close the type of big-money deal that keeps the so-called Iron Pipeline humming.Maybe if they can't stop the flow of guns they ought to see what they're doing over in India...?
Never mind.
Here's a bit I found interesting:
Thomas King, president of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, the National Rifle Association affiliate in the state, says legal gun owners are being harassed because of the actions of criminals.Really, Mr. King?
Although he says he backs Bloomberg's plans to clean New York's streets of illegal weapons, he insists the key to accomplishing that is better enforcement of existing laws, not new regulations on the books.
Assuming the reporter hasn't misquoted you, you're saying enforce the Sullivan Laws? You're saying keep Big Apple citizens disarmed under force of law and punish those who defy such edicts?
I'd love to know what you actually said to the press, Mr. King, and the rationale behind it. Consider this an open invitation to clarify any misunderstanding this report may have created in the minds of gun owners.