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Thursday, September 06, 2018
Make No Mistake
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Make no mistake, anyone who capitulates will still be slated for elimination whenthe time is right and the power is there. It's what communists do, and silencing their opposition will only serve that agenda.
This isn't about Horowitz supporting a "Con-Con"-- which I'm glad to find even he admits "there were indeed risks involved." Indeed.
This is about totalitarians and their useful idiots demanding to control which thoughts may be expressed and shared, enabling them to do what totalitarians do.
Make no mistake, this is about shutting you and me up and then down.
[Via Mack H]
Sweet Smell of Failure
Dear Democratic Leader Schumer, The Supreme Court is on the line, and you are failing us. [More]Good. Get more radical, more belligerent, more demanding.
Wake up more normals.
So Much for Rules
Four people are dead, including the suspect, in a shooting at Fifth Third Bank in downtown Cincinnati Thursday morning. [More]I wonder if he knew...
We're the Only Ones Resourceful Enough
Ohio school resource officer on leave after using Taser to wake up a student in class [More]If this doesn't prove Wayne's point that these people have better judgment than the rest of us, I don't know what will.
Character Indicator
And as it turns out, he didn’t just get a DUI, but he tried to flee the scene. [More]Well that changes things somewhat for me. I'd initially dismissed this on the grounds that we've all done stupid stuff in our youth.
I still think issues are the way to go, but with the Hogglet entering the fray, pointing out how he backs drunk drivers who try to flee the sceen over sober, lawful, and responsible gun owners may indeed be a useful chair to pick up and swing in this particular bar fight.
[Via Jess]
A Shot in the Arm
The surgeon said the bullet was small, maybe a .22-caliber ... my grandfather became a co-owner of an outdoors store ... He said that “something” had to be done about “all this” ... He said that when he’d learned the killer in Parkland had used an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle, he’d asked one of the store’s managers to call the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to find out whether the store could stop selling those types of weapons to people under the age of 21. [More]Seems a bit of a reach, to go from a rimfire to AR-15s.
What's the name of the store?
I'd like to see a boycott bankrupt the old quisling Fudd.
[Via Roger J]
About That 28th Amendment
I keep getting these:
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Got a link to a credible source? Can the veracity of the claims be proven? No? Then why forward it and ask for me and others to do the same?
And the "solution" is a Con-con? (And by the way, the 2/3 requirement is met before 38, so this even fails at fourth-grade math).
It takes literally seconds to see this is BS that's been around for a while. Meanwhile, how many have been sucked into believing it and wasting their time and the time of others that could have been spent on productive pursuits? And why shouldn't someone's credibility be shot if they do as asked?
This kind of gullible pseudoactivism is irresponsible and destructive. It doesn't help, it hurts.
Please pass that on to anyone asking you to blindly follow them over the cliff.
And There's the Rub
It’s a blueprint that other states – from California to Florida and Virginia – can use to reduce gun violence without worrying about whether Congress will act. [More]A Republican-dominated Congress that wasn't gutless would be pushing for enforcement of "the supreme Law of the Land."
Oregon Alert
A ballot measure to protect common firearms from new and restrictive regulations has been filed and we need your help to get it on the ballot. [More]If you're an Oregon gun owner, what possible excuse do you have not to help out?
A Hit and Miss Approach
Please contact your Senators today! [More]Yes, if it will do any good, by all means. But if you live in a solid "blue" state?
In that case, a viable alternative has been suggested -- just not heeded.
[Via radiomaan]
I'd Buy That for a Dollar
According to sentencing guidelines, the jury could sentence Winder to up to 12 months of jail time and $2,500 in fines. They decided to give him a $1 fine with no jail time. [More]I wonder if they'd have thrown the book at Winder had they known about Kessler's past.
[Via Mack H]
These Are the Good Old Days
Germany Mulls Putting Right-wing AfD on Surveillance as Party Surges in Polls [More]Merkel returns to her roots and channels her inner Stasi...
[Via Michael G]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
New bodycam footage shows moment officer Tasers her own force's race relations adviser in the face as she is cleared of all misconduct charges [More]When "progressives" collide...
[Via Michael G]
Survey SAYS
In the new version, Kleck re-analyzes the BRFSS survey data accurately as limited to a small number of states, and ultimately concludes, when their surveys are analyzed in conjunction with his NSDS, that their surveys indicate likely over 1 million defensive uses of guns (DGUs) a year nationally, compared to the over 2 million of his own NSDS. [More]So even data compiled by the folks who want to see guns "like ... cigarettes ... dirty, deadly and banned" shows many more lives saved by guns in private hands than are taken by the degenerate spawn of Democrats.
[Via Felix B]
The Mall of Amerika
'You cannot talk religion here.' [More]And no fighting in the War Room.
It's not the only freedom this un-American mall forbids.
[Via Jess]
What Ever Happened to 'Should Be Seen and Not Heard'?
Face it, what "student" isn't qualified to teach, what dependent shouldn't be empowered to dictate and who just plain knows better than indoctrinated children? [More]
And remember, "free" speech is "progressive" speech! Everything else is an act of aggression.
[Via bondmen]
Cory Booker Sides with Slave Owners
African Americans were referred to as fractions of human beings. [More]What an absolute misrepresentation. Hey idiot: Do you know who wanted them counted fully, and why?
[Via bondmen]
Another Country Heard From
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Curious, that someone who disparages the right to keep and bear arms in the U.S. would retweet this:
Andrew's from London? Oh, that explains it...
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime?
WARNING! CALIFORNIA TO LET MURDERERS GO FREE - All they have to do is show mental-health issue involved, get 'treatment' [More]But own a gun they don't "allow" you to have to defend against said murderers and you can count on becoming a politicalprisoner if caught.
Not to Belabor the Point, BUT...
The left is very close to having a governing majority due entirely to immigration. [More]But what does this have to do with that "single issue"?
And where are all the other "gun groups" and "gun bloggers" pointing out these truths? Where's the vast majority of this site's readers? They can't say they don't know about it and no one has stepped forward capable of refuting the claims.
Hell, I guess I've got to belabor the point.
The Enemy Within
I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration [More]What a despicable coward. I wonder if s/he wrote it using any government-issued equipment during working hours...
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