Blindly trusting establishment Republican judgment on Supreme Court nominations gave us Warren Burger, who declared the individual rights interpretation of the Second Amendment “a fraud,” and David Souter, who voted with the gun-grabbers in the Heller case. [More]It’s NOT asking tough questions that has historically helped the Democrats time and again.
Monday, February 13, 2017
Trusting Republicans on SCOTUS Nominees Has Resulted in Big ‘Progressive’ Wins
If the rewards are all for breaking the law, and if doing so is risk-free, why would anyone observe it? [More]
Obviously a Subject Matter Expert
The Oath Keepers wanted to arm Ferguson locals to defend themselves against police brutality. [More]Really, Democrat Nation? It wasn't to provide protection to those who wanted it from looting and burning mobs?
Good Lord-- I got this off a Google News notification.
These guys.
An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Trump, Congress urged to impeach judges fighting immigration orders [More]Not that our bold Republican "leaders" have the guts to actually fight.
[Via John Snyder]
Enemy at the Gate
I also have long considered Mexico a major threat to America. [More]So why give special privileges to a government that is undermining our sovereignty and security?
[Via Michael G]
A 'Terrifying Arsenal'
Warning, do not click on this link and look at the photo unless you're strong and first prepare yourself, and even then ... it would probably be better if you just spared yourself the gut-wrenching fear. [More]
A Piece of the عمل
Brown claims that because Muslims slaves have some "rights," that the institution was akin to Medieval feudalism rather than the chattel slavery found in the American south. [More]Who's enslavin'? We're feudalisin'.
You buy that, don't you, Jojo?
[Via Michael G]
In Fact, She IS That Dumb
Sarah Silverman confuses surveyor’s mark with a swastika [More]Has she mobilized the resistance yet?
And doesn't she have a bed to wet?
Shadowy Figures
Well, we knew Obama was shady... [More]
And the media are rabidly ecstatic partners, screaming about alleged Trump-inspired threats to judges and journolists.
And Oh My GOD, press boycotts and minimal celebrities?!!? You mean this may even derail the White House Correspondents' Dinner
(to which everyone significant to me wonders why the hell he'd want to participate in the first place), especially if the "good cause" it represents is to incubate the next generation of Walter Durantys.
Kill me now!
[Via Florida Guy]
And the media are rabidly ecstatic partners, screaming about alleged Trump-inspired threats to judges and journolists.
And Oh My GOD, press boycotts and minimal celebrities?!!? You mean this may even derail the White House Correspondents' Dinner
(to which everyone significant to me wonders why the hell he'd want to participate in the first place), especially if the "good cause" it represents is to incubate the next generation of Walter Durantys.
Kill me now!
[Via Florida Guy]
Today's Five-Minute Activism Project
Strickland's long history ofexposing the hypocrisy and tyranny of the left in Oregon meant he had to be made an example of. They had the power to silence him and chill anyone else who dared shine a light on them and they used it. [More]Read this. Share it. Help.
This could be you.
Meet George Jetson
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[More] |
[Via Florida Guy]
Can There Be No Peace Between Our Peoples?
A co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto argued that white people are “recessive genetic defects” and purportedly mused about how the race could be “wiped out,” according to a post on what appears to be her Facebook page. [More]Exterminate subhumans? And we're the Nazis?
Surely we can work out some sort of compromise. If we only had some kind of ... Judenrat.
What, establishment Republicans...?
Off Target
I just received an advocacy email from a state gun group proposing changes to the way the state infringes on the right to keep and bear arms. I'm not going to say from whom, what the state is, or even what the specific issue is because the last thing I have time for right now is getting into a pissing match with butthurt prags.
Suffice it to say, the gist of the email was to address waste and streamline the collaring process.
I understand these folks are in solid blue territory. Been there myself.
The enemies of freedom aren't interested in working with you when they have the upper hand. They're interested in you obeying and them crushing you if you don't. Never underestimate how much they despise "deplorables," and how they actually get off on adding in-your-face insult to injury.
If all "lobbying" can result in is kinder, gentler Intolerable Acts, it's past time to try a new paradigm, one no state or national "gun rights group" wants its members to embrace for the pretty obvious reason that it will expose their ineffectiveness.
Easy for me to say?
Suffice it to say, the gist of the email was to address waste and streamline the collaring process.
I understand these folks are in solid blue territory. Been there myself.
The enemies of freedom aren't interested in working with you when they have the upper hand. They're interested in you obeying and them crushing you if you don't. Never underestimate how much they despise "deplorables," and how they actually get off on adding in-your-face insult to injury.
If all "lobbying" can result in is kinder, gentler Intolerable Acts, it's past time to try a new paradigm, one no state or national "gun rights group" wants its members to embrace for the pretty obvious reason that it will expose their ineffectiveness.
Easy for me to say?
Morose Enough for Government Work
Federal workers planning sabotage of the Trump administration [More]While the idea of a "work slowdown" by these "swarms of Officers sent hither to harass our people" is amusing in itself, if air traffic controllers can be jettisoned, I think the country could survive with fewer EPA bureaucrats, "progressive" IT administraitors, and foreign DoD workers.
And there's a difference between whistleblowing and treason.
Who thinks we wouldn't be better off without 'em, and finally able to make some real "progress.".
[Via John S]
A Woman of Principle
You can say no and they fire you or you can do it and you keep your job. [More]So guess what narcissistic Miss Mess did. And naturally, leveled years-after-the-fact charges ascribing motives she couldn't possibly know, while retelling the story from her delusional and self-absorbed point of view.
Blind Justice?
Investigation Launched After Texas Judge Wears ‘Pussy Hat’ in Courtroom ... Local Austin TV station KVUE claimed that several county officials told them that Eckhardt didn’t break any rules other than that of propriety. [More]Yeah, right.
To be logically consistent, "county officials" must also be OK for a judge to don Everytown pins, "I'm with Her" buttons and armbands.
Teach Your Children Well
UCF Socialist Club Incites Young Kids To "Kill Donald Trump" [More]What is it about national socialists and indoctrination?
And accusing those they hate of that which they are guilty of?
Speaking of Nuts
Al Franken says ‘a few’ of his GOP colleagues in the Senate have expressed concern over Trump’s mental health [More]Who?
If there is serious concern, that affects the security and lives of every American. To not have it fully investigated and explored is beyond irresponsible, it's treasonous.
If there's not serious concern, then this is just another toxic smear job for political gain. The American people deserve to know, by name, who values power over truth, as well as who these Republican collaborators are.
Our kind of woman. [More]That's pretty obvious.
Because my kind consider it pathetically expectable. It figures the lottery-winning twa... uh ... twit, who doesn't control herself, is so up on the state controlling those of us who do.
Anybody else watch The Grammys last night?
Me neither. I never have.
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