This is the first article in a multi-part series. [More]I'm working on my own Firearms News contribution which I plan on spending Sunday working on now that I've got my source material identified and compiled.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Firearms News Investigates the NRA: Part 1
Do as He Says, Not as He Does
The workers began demanding a raise in May, arguing that Sanders, who has made a $15 federal minimum wage a centerpiece of his campaign, should honor that commitment in compensating his own staff. [More]They haven't figured out that commies who extol the virtues of workers have never worked a day in their lives, are career parasites and expect others to give everything while they never contribute a thing besides their demands?
[Via Henry Bowman]
I May Need to Revise My Law
Ontario’s top court has upheld a decision allowing a man found not criminally responsible in a knife attack at a Toronto military recruitment centre to eventually take college classes on his own. [More]So he can't be trusted with a knife but he can be trusted with a campus?
Why don't we find out if he can be trusted with a judge first?
[Via Mack H]
So Get on Your Knees and Thank a Wealth Redistributionist Today
David Atkins, a Californian regional director for the Democratic Party and a Bernie Sanders supporter, criticized rural white voters for lacking gratitude in a Twitter thread posted Thursday night. [More]That and you're a hater.
[Via Mack H]
Things to Come
What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 1) [More]Don't share this though. They'll call you a racist.
[Via An Hour of Wolves]
No Need for Your Decision to be Pending
SHOULD YOU BE A PLAINTIFF IN FLORIDA CARRY'S LAWSUIT AGAINST FDLE? If you had a "Decision Pending" that delayed a firearm purchase for more than three business days, you probably should. [More]Don't let those who would happily enforce "the law" against you get away with arrogantly breaking it themselves.
Another Voice Heard From
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Me, I'm not going to quit trying, including behind the scenes and after the petition effort is all said and done.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
Knife crime has hit a new record high in England and Wales, rising 8% on the previous year new figures show. “The figures for police-recorded crime revealed there were 43,516 police-recorded offences involving a knife or sharp instrument, which is the highest since comparable records began in 2011,” reports Sky News. [More]We ain't seen nothin' yet.
[Via CDT]
New York, New York, a Wonderful Town
Critics say Bill de Blasio could be doing more to excerpt pressure on his police department to fire Pantaleo, but the mayor has so far bulked and emphasized the importance of due process. [More]For "everywhere that he go," I consider the source. But what's the deal with screwing up "exert" and "balked'? I don't know if it's a factor here, but I ignore the vernacular-intolerant (and often wrong) Grammarly half the time or more.
As for the story itself, I pretty much only have one question:
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Soliciting Enough
Le is the sixth HPD police officer in the last three years busted for allegedly soliciting sex or for other allegedly improper behavior with prostitutes. [More]Anybody into chokejobs?
[Via Jess]
Forgetting Their Place
"What we know — and what Virginia Beach won't tell us — about the mass shooting" [More]Well, just who do you think they work for?
[Via Mack H]
They TOLD Me To!
Flores, reportedly a UCSD student at the time of the November 2016 incident, partly blamed campus officials in her lawsuit, alleging Resident Advisors had effectively organized the protest by encouraging it, therefore campus officials shared responsibility for her injuries. [More]That takes me back to being like seven years old, getting caught doing something stupid, trying to mitigate the judgment by blaming a friend for egging me on, and Mom replying "If Billy told you to jump off a bridge would you do it?"
Is it any wonder that those who have absolved themselves of adult responsibilities are so enamored with what children "think"?
[Via Michael G]
You Can't Go Home Again
Somali-Canadian journalist returns to her homeland to tell ‘uplifting’ stories, is killed by terrorists [More]Sorry, but I feel as much sympathy as I do for people like this.
And ain't in something when some of them come here and tell us our country isn't good enough for them.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Aiding and Abetting Enough
ICE releases list of migrants accused of crimes after police ignore detainer requests [More]This has gotta be a basis for lawsuits.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Choking You Up Enough
“You force her to do what’s called a ‘chokejob.' ..." [More]That a 25-year-veteran felt free to do this in front of everyone at roll call tells us much about the whole barrel, no?
[Via Ron W]
By All Means, Send Her Back
America can never measure up to Omar’s high standards—but no doubt Somalia will. [More]The ever-subversive Vox helpfully explains how even though that's not their intent.
[Via Mack H]
UPDATE -- Yep, send her back.
We're the Only Ones Penetrating Enough
Los Angeles cop faces two rape charges... [More]I like how the concern is over tarnished badges.
[Via William T]
We're the Only Ones Predatory Enough
In a petition filed earlier this month to obtain a protection order, the wife of a sheriff's deputy alleged Swyers had sent her a letter in March saying, "Every good predator stalks its prey before destroying it." [More]There's nothing like making a good impression your first days on the job.
[Via Steve T]
As They Wet Their Fingers and Stuck Them Resolutely in the Air...
Task force stops short of recommending mandatory storage for guns in Lincoln [More]But they had no problem going full bore with post-decision both-sides-of-the-fence weasel-wording. Some sound like they're almost at the tipping point.
It's just a shame nobody proposed a lock-up-your-pitchforks law.
[Via Steve T]
UPDATE - A little backstory from last year:
There is more in the Constitution than the Second Amendment, she said. [More]They want more than "commonsense gun safety," don't they?
Somebody should have challenged her to flesh out the "logic" on that. And somebody needs to tell these loudmouthed, irritating b*****s that the "respect" they're demanding is earned.
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones with Firm Convictions Enough
Dozens of convicted criminals have been hired as cops in Alaska communities. Often, they are the only applicants. In Stebbins, every cop has a criminal record, including the chief. [More]They're not "prohibited persons"...?
[Via William T]
Advantage, Criminal
The measure not only requires that your self defense firearms be rendered useless, it also, (once again) holds you responsible for the criminal misuse of a firearm stolen from you. [More]Hey, Democrats gotta take care of their constituencies...
Too Few have Let the Lesson Sink In
However, people who escaped from socialist and communist systems know the crimes that they perpetrate once the Left takes power. [More]Except the "pathway to citizenship" generally leads straight to the DNC...
We're the Only Ones in Plain View Enough
Thirteen Philadelphia police officers will be fired over racist or offensive Facebook posts. More than 50 other officers are being reprimanded or suspended. [More]Really?
For some reason, those behind the effort are not in plain view.
[Via Jess]
We're the Only Ones Customary Enough
Gun-running Long Beach customs agent had 41 machine guns stashed at home ... some of which he obtained by using his power as a law enforcement official ... exploiting his status as a law enforcement officer to buy handguns that can’t be sold to the public by a federal licensed dealer."[More]What was that about violating the trust of citizens again...?
[Via Dave Licht]
Real Reporters
What the hell is this world coming to when those with paid jobs in the media have to reach out to us citizen journalists and/or quote our work? [More]I remember one who called me for some comments and then started trying to challenge what I told him, and I had to ask him if he called me for my views or to debate me.
Capetown Ladies Sing This Song
High levels of bloodshed this year in mainly poor majority-black and mixed-race areas prompted a provincial official last month to liken the situation in parts of the Western Cape province to a "warzone", with some 2,000 people killed since January. [More]Doo-dah, doo-dah...
But don't worry about the current containment. More inclusion is part of the plan.
[Via Roger J]
The Forever First Lady
Don't be surprised if she lets the current field of dwarfs exhaust itself, then steps in and her husband becomes the Forever First Man. [More]
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