There's some good stuff being turned out. I hope you're availing yourself of it, and importantly, sharing these links via emails, on blogs and forums, with your local newspaper editor, etc.
A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."
These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.
Here are their latest offerings:
Ron Bokleman/Boston:
U.S. Supreme Court likely to incorporate Second Amendment
Paul Valone/Charlotte:
Steve D. Jones/Fort Smith:
Sebastian County Sheriff's office and the Second Amendment
Liston Matthews/Knoxville:
TN candidates respond to gun rights quiz - TN 2nd US District: Leinweber
Dave Workman/Seattle:
Gun rights before SCOTUS: Chicago will lose and the nation will win
Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
Go. Read. And please share the links.
You're doing that, right?
Thursday, March 04, 2010
We're the Only Ones Poking Our Heads Out Enough
There was a shot, then Malone, a police officer assigned to Roosevelt Island in New York City, and the doctor who was tending to his grandmother poked their heads out the door of the room...Lupienski was also wounded in the leg when the gun discharged as hospital staffers struggled to subdue him. [More]OK, then.
[Via MPR]
Tim-Tom Rips One...

...and boy, does it smell...[Read]
It's not surprising--he's such an a******. As his temper tantrum comments prove.
Ed M sends a good related cartoon.
[Via An Illinois Voter]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...
A Devon yachtsman who kept a sawn-off shotgun for protection against piracy has been jailed for a year. [More]Weren't we just talking about worthy heirs...?
[Via Jeet]
A Liberal Democrat (!) got me to thinking about assassinations and the several reasons for them. [More]Yeah, that's happened to me before, too...
When I was a kid, I was a big fan of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. It took growing up to start wondering if maybe THRUSH had been misrepresented as the bad guys...and maybe things weren't as balanced as I'd believed.
Agreeing with Paul Helmke
In fact, based on the comments that I (and apparently several others) heard from the bench yesterday, the Justices seemed to express a consensus reinforcing the Court's strong language in Heller that reasonable restrictions on gun ownership are "presumptively lawful." [More]That's what I read from the transcript, too, although unlike Paul, I think that deserves being looked at as a bad thing.
Funny how some, presumably on"our side," want to object to this simple observation...
We're the Only Ones Shooting Our Way Out Enough
A Kentucky sheriff says a claustrophobic deputy has lost his job after accidentally locking himself in a jail cell and trying to shoot his way out of it. [More]Why do I hear Andy asking "Barney--you OK?"
[Via AzHamMedic]
Securing the Blessings of Chattelry Detroit.
...and in New York.
Once we realize the function of a cow is to be milked or slaughtered, we can assume our rightful place in the food chain.
[Via Harvey and Steven K]
...and in New York.
Once we realize the function of a cow is to be milked or slaughtered, we can assume our rightful place in the food chain.
[Via Harvey and Steven K]
We're the Only Ones Putting Away Childish Things Enough
The Airsoft guns, which according to the complaint had orange tips covering the muzzles, were left on the house’s porch, and Cassell and his friends were inside when police arrived. The lawsuit says the officers forced the unarmed youths to crawl toward police and then arrested them after discovering the Airsoft guns were “toys.” [More]Orange tips notwithstanding, let's hear it for getting these dangerous machine guns off the streets!
Oh, and relax, Air-Softers--I'm not dissing you. The Corinthians reference just seemed to make for the kind of title I was looking for.
[Via Harvey]
De More You Miss... meaner you get? [Read]
Any chance of some 18-year-old getting it on with his 16-year-old girlfriend becoming a lifelong prohibited person here...?
I mean, it sounds like it will play to the masses on the surface here--armed sex criminal child abusers!!! (What the hell the real ones are doing among us in the first place is another question.)
Then again, taking sex out of the equation, are there a bigger perverts than citizen disarmament fetishists like Gerald Nadler here?
Nadler Introduces Legislation to Keep Guns Away from PedophilesSo--are we talking child rapists, toddler-diddlers, trenchcoat playground pervs...?
Any chance of some 18-year-old getting it on with his 16-year-old girlfriend becoming a lifelong prohibited person here...?
I mean, it sounds like it will play to the masses on the surface here--armed sex criminal child abusers!!! (What the hell the real ones are doing among us in the first place is another question.)
Then again, taking sex out of the equation, are there a bigger perverts than citizen disarmament fetishists like Gerald Nadler here?

The thing is, Mike has been using--and popularizing the term "three percenter" long before this site ever came into existence, which many of us recall resulted in no small amount of discussion in the "gun blogosphere," which we continue to be a part of. With all the noise that's generated over the last couple years, I would find any claim that this was unknown to the website proprietors something I needed convincing on.
Legalities don't come into play here, but what will be done about this next does. Possibly nothing will happen. I know if I had set up this site and found another blogger had already firmly established "War on Guns" as a fixture, I'd back off and find something else to call it.
I can't automatically attribute bad intentions here--there's every possibility this is a misunderstanding and the guys behind the effort have good hearts and good intentions. That said, even if they do, I can't endorse any effort that takes place under that name unless and until I know it has the Mike's sanction.
We're the Only Ones Inshallah Enough
"First I thought there was another Kifah Mustapha. I could not believe that it could have been the same Kifah Mustapha who was associated with a terrorist organization and who was listed a year just a year and a half ago and was an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorist case that the government won," said Steve Emerson, Investigative Project on Terrorism. [More]Fortunately, the Illinois State Police have some tips for us should their selection prove ill-advised...
[Via An Illinois Voter]
Media Picking Up SPLC's Hateful Talking Points Against Gun Owners and Tea Partiers
It paints people with negative stereotypes based on groups the author is prejudiced against. You know, it spreads hate. All under the guise of "Teaching Tolerance." That and "Donate Now." [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at the way hate spreads if mass media has its way.
Also watch a bunch of reruns.
Share the link?
This Day in History: March 4
Resolved, That General Washington be impowered, if he thinks it prudent, to employ in the Service of the United States a body of Indians not exceeding four Hundred, & that it be left to him to pursue such measures as he judges best for procuring them, and to employ them, when procured, in such ways as will annoy the Enemy, without suffering them to injure those who are friends to the cause of America. [More]
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