ATF Director Nominee On Record For Protecting Second Amendment Rights [More]Don't p*** down my back and tell me it's rainin'.
Monday, June 10, 2019
Swampland for Sale
You Can't Argue with the Logic
Lawyer for ex-Ald. Willie Cochran ask for six months home confinement, saying "since sending previous aldermen to jail has not done anything to curb Chicago’s tidal wave of aldermanic corruption cases, there is no reason to think that sending Mr. Cochran to jail will." [More]Forget it Jake...
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Nonrestrictive Enough
Broward County: Accused Murderer On The Run After Jail Screws Up Paperwork And Let's Him Go Free [More]And he used an "AR-15 style" gun? Boy, if that isn't a call for more "assault weapon" bans, I don't know what is.
[Via Michael G]
Just When You Thought She Was On To Something
Gun-free zone signs clearly don't protect people [More]And then, right after that moment of undeniable clarity, she decides it's time to trot out the industrial-grade stupid.
Those are quite some "men" in comments.
[Via @pamnsc]
Once is Happenstance, Twice is Coincidence
2 former state senators found dead in Arkansas and Oklahoma within days [More]Mr. Goldfinger is still deciding.
[Via Jess]
Speaking of Fundraising Appeals...
NRA money flowed to board members amid allegedly lavish spending by top officials and vendors [More]Unfortunately, WaPo says I've reached my limit and can't read further without giving Mr. Luthor his due, right after I buy my shirt. Looks like they've got incognito windows and proxies stymied, too.
[Via Dave Licht]
UPDATE: WarOnGuns Correspondent Felix B sends some details.
And There Was War in Heaven
NRA Issues Subpoenas To 3 Board Members In Ack-Mac Lawsuit (Updated) [More]So they want to expel whistleblowers against management but not actual enemies of the association's members?
You know all those increasingly strident fundraising emailers we've been getting? I'd like to see the standard response as "Tell me about the intern."
The Pro-Gun President
President Donald Trump’s administration asked the court to stay out of the case and leave the convictions in place. [More]The "Would you rather have Hillary?" meme is wearing pretty thin, especially when you consider the kind of fundraising noise that would have been made our of Fairfax had her administration done that.
[Via Bear]
Speaking of Forked Tongues
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So what better reason to dismiss this as old news and no big deal, and change the subject to impeaching Trump?
After all, she's a proud supporter of what made all this possible.
Besides, Mr. Luthor says it's OK. I wonder if an alternative featuring language from the Declaration would make the cut...
A Chronic and Habitual Liar
"Some of you may be aware our gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense. Anybody can buy any weapon any time -- without much if any regulation, they can buy it over the Internet, they can buy machine guns." [More]I was noticing that the other day when I tried to buy some salad fixings...
'Last Fight' My ... Eye
Massive Crowds Take to Streets in ‘Last Fight’ for Hong Kong - Protesters throng city, rallying against a law that would allow Beijing to extradite people into mainland China to stand trial [More]Well, there go their social credit scores.
At least the Chi-Coms are doing something about fake news.
Pauley Perrette Says She Is 'Terrified' of 'NCIS' Co-Star Mark Harmon 'Attacking' Her [More]More likely she's another hysterical Hollywod headcase, but that doesn't negate the fact that he's "an advocate for gun control"...
Maybe if They Put Flashing Lights on All Those Warning Signs...?
Little's life of crime spanned decades, according to FBI officials. [More]So they knew he couldn't be trusted without a custodian...?
Advantage: Assailant
The armed first responder could be just about anybody who is local, except for staff members with direct supervision of students. [More]You know, the actual first responders...
Capture the Flag
US embassies still hoisting rainbow flags, despite advisory from Washington [More]So recall and replace the ambassadors.
Anyone care to guess the "social credit" fate of anyone who'd burn one of these?
Another Hate-Filled 'Right-wing Extremist'
Aftabjit Singh, 38, was hauled away shirtless from Saturday night’s parade and faces a slew of charges including possession of a prohibited weapon and causing unreasonable fear. [More]If this doesn't show the need for more "gun laws" I don't know what will.
Forget the Alamo!
HUNDREDS OF ILLEGALS FROM EBOLA-RIDDEN CONGO DUMPED IN TEXAS, 350 MORE ON THE WAY - Major threat ignored by mainstream media [More]Time to ratchet up those "social media" bans to include those linking to pariahs...
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