Saturday, April 30, 2005

RebelFire 1.0

Out of the Gray Zone

I just ordered the new novel by Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman.

The first 100 people to order get an autographed copy. I hope mine made it in under the wire. If not, I'll have to mail it to them with return postage--either way, I intend to get those autographs.

Obviously, I can't review something I haven't yet read--but I have tremendous faith--earned based on past performance--in their exceptional ability to lead, educate and inspire us.

I ask everyone reading this to acknowledge that these people deserve material rewards for their first-rate labors. If you're like me, and have gratitude toward those who bring us ideas, perpective and insights, you'll want to keep those efforts coming.

What better way is there to do that than by giving yourself a gift?

Everybody wins!

That's the way it's supposed to work.

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