Monday, May 23, 2005

Giving Gun Owners the Finger

Say Uncle directs us to the loopy tale of former Bridgeport City Councilman Joel Gonzales, who cut off his finger in 1994 to protest private gun ownership.

The ridiculously over-dramatic Mr. Gonzales seems to think someone on eBay will give him $50,000 or more for the contraption he used to self-amputate. He plans to give half the money to a zoo, plus fund the insane fixations he deems "activism," including "strengthening gun control laws."

He apparently did it because he thinks the NRA controls the speaker lists at public hearings, and wanted to make his proposal to eliminate "gun crime" heard--that is, "amputating the trigger fingers (index) of anyone who use a firearm to commit a premeditaded [sic] crime."

"When I did it, people said I was crazy. I wonder what they are saying now," speculates Gonzales.

I think "crazy" about covers it, Joel.

But you might want to get a second opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still crazy, Joel! And this is the first I've heard of this stupid stunt!