Thursday, June 09, 2005

Gun Club to Lockyer's DoJ: You're Not Welcome Here

Kudos to Tom Hause and the Board of Directors of the Folsom Shooting Club for their bold and appropriate letter to California Attorney General Bill Lockyer, that states in part:

"The Board of Directors of the Folsom Shooting Club (FSC) has directed me to advise you, in writing, that Department of Justice staff, while acting in their official capacity, are suspended from using the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center (SVSC). The FSC is concerned that your staff will further your efforts regarding AB 352 and SB 357 while using our facility."

It's nice to see others joining in the Barrett response.

Thank you, Mr. Hause. You and your fellow directors deserve our commendation and support on this. Good job.

I hope many fellow Second Amendment supporters join in sending you a note of encouragement and thanks.
[I learned about this ketter from KABA Newslinks, which featured the hysterical misrepresentations of the "Million" Moms.]


Anonymous said...


It's great to see Barrett and the Folsome Gun Club stand up to the gubmint, and tell them they're not welcome to buy or shoot as long as they support gun control. Let's see ALL gun and ammo makers tell ALL gubmints, "NO MORE GUNS FOR YOU!"

Anonymous said...

Ronnie Barrett and the Folsom Gun Club have chosen the correct path - now is the time for all other gun manufacturers, wholesalers and businesses to take a stand.

Gun businesses have to look out for their bottom line. But now it’s time to stop doing business with any and all anti-gun Law Enforcement Organizations, whether they be local, State or Federal.

If all manufacturers had refused to sell magazines holding over 10 rounds to LEOs, the AWB would have expired long ago.

Let’s get the word out. Ronnie Barrett started it – now is the time for all other manufacturers to stem up to the plate.

Let them eat cake…