Sunday, September 18, 2005

Guns in the Workplace: An Enuretic's View

Someone who didn't know the basics of gun safety accidentally kills himself.

The conclusion? Obviously, guns don't belong in the workplace, and are more of a danger than a defense.

So why not ban guns in police stations?

Oh, because it's been well established that LEOs are better trained than us mere mortals.

So it's not like the answer just might be providing workplace defense training, is it?


Anonymous said...

As a certified NRA trainer in pistol, rifle and personal protection, and as a state certified instructor for concealed carry of weapons in my home state of Oklahoma, I obviously believe in training for the safe use of all firearms.

However, how much training should be required for defending our "castles?" The right to self defense transcends English Common Law and the United State Constitution.

David Codrea said...

Obviously, no training should be required by government to exercise an unalienable right. But a prudent business would provide it and a prudent man would seek it.

Kevin said...

Thanks for the head's-up on that piece. I've posted a rebuttal.