Thursday, January 05, 2006

"I Sent You a Boat, I Sent You a Helicopter..."

"I was hoping and praying that everyone [would stay] still and calm, and hoped that there would be no violence," McLaughlin said last night.

"He ordered several children and their father to go up the aisles getting purses and wallets," McLaughlin, 48, said."
A predator is threatening children at gunpoint, for God's sake, their fathers are helpless to do anything but obey, and all the pastor can do is "hope and pray."

These parishioners and their minister remind me of the old joke about the flood victim.

[Thanks to Bill Clark]


Anonymous said...

If that moron tried that crap where I go to church, he'd look like swiss cheese in a scinute. "Thank you, Jesus", and re-holsters gun.

Anonymous said...

"Now please turn to page 113 in our newly revised hymnals and sing along with the choir "Onward Christian Victims".

I don't think God likes his gift of life taken so lightly as to be deemed unworthy of protection. I could be wrong, I am no theologian, He may enjoy being disrespected, but I doubt it. I think I shall follow my impression of the worth of his gifts.