Tuesday, January 03, 2006

What, Me Weird?

Nicki tagged me to confess to 5 weird things about myself. I've always believed weird is in the eye of the beholder, and truth be known, am proud of my misfit status. I mean, in a culture that rewards the likes of Paris Hilton and Sniff Dog with celebrity, who with a shred of self esteem or intelligence would want to fit in?

1. I catch and release insects from the house whenever possible, rather than kill them.

2. Contrary to the impression some have from my writing, I'm actually quite humble in person.

3. I once tried to fight a malevolent ghost. No kidding. And I don't even believe in ghosts, but have no other explanation for what happened.

4. I sometimes dream that I can fly after taking a running leap. But I'm never more than a foot or so off the ground, leaning forward, kind of doing a perpetual ski jump.

5. Here's probably the biggest weird statement about myself I could make: I'm really not that much into guns. That's why you don't see "gun porn" here, or ever see me write about technical matters. For me, the passion is in the principles involved.

I tag anyone who wishes to add a comment to this post.


Nicki said...

For me, it's all about principles as well, although I will admit I have more than a casual relationship with my Glock. ;-)

You release insects??????? :-O

Anonymous said...

I third it. I enjoy shooting but I'm not a fanatic. I don't get to the range nearly often enough to improve my skills and barely often enough to maintain them.

I grew up with guns and their everyday utility. They are no more or less useful than a good hammer, shovel or post hole digger.

It is also the principle with me. I couldn't care less whether someone else wants to own or use guns. As long as they don't try to dictate to others whether they should or should not. Self defense is a personal decision.

I have been known to catch and release flies, moths and other of the more benevolent insects. I have an irrational and deep seated fear of spiders. As far as spiders go in my home, it's kill or be killed. Mosquitos and roaches as well are dispatched immediately and without remorse.

I'd love to hear the story of your battle with the poltergeist.

Anonymous said...

David C. are you sure I didn't write your 5 weird things? C'mon 'fess up, you found that in my stuff somewhere, didn't you?

Sailor- you are wrong about that post hole digger, it is not an item of utility, it is an instrument of torture.

My fear and revulsion of spiders is less than it used to be, I get my grandchildren to kill them, while I hide.

Anonymous said...

I'm fascinated by the technical intricacies of the machinery of guns. I collect guns just to take them apart down to the last screw and pin, and put them together again. I'm popular at family outings at the range.

I let spiders live whenever I can, unless they build webs across my path or hide in my bed. All other home-invading insects? It's war! So far, I've been winning.

I struggle with principles daily. Mine more than everybody elses. My worst flaw (other than deadbone laziness) is an intense fear, hatred, and loathing of the chemically impaired. Dopers, druggies, alcoholics. I just can't muster sympathy.

AlanDP said...

I don't just fly in my flying dreams, either. In the dreams, I can feel a specific point in my head that I must concentrate on in order to push myself off the ground. It is more like directed levitation than like flying, and eventually I will run out of "flying energy" and have to land and rest a while. I'm always disappointed when I wake up that I can't find that point in my head anymore--like it has somehow been blocked off.