Sunday, January 08, 2006

A Woman, a Batterer and a Gun

More important, the conviction leaves Rebecca more vulnerable than ever to her abusive husband. For one, the district attorney's office mistakenly included her actual street address on all its documents, which are public record. The office was scrambling on Friday to delete the information.

And two, she now has no protection. (I wonder whether San Francisco voters considered domestic violence situations when they voted in November to ban all handguns and what consequences women like Rebecca might pay.)

I just sent the following to the reporter:

Ms. Ryan,

Why does “[T]he law against carrying concealed guns makes good sense”?

Where has carnage resulted from peaceable people having the means to defend themselves?

And what law will you pass that you think violent predators will observe?

You had a good story going until your conclusion, where you seemed to ignore everything you’d just finished writing and reverted to knee-jerk liberal bias.

It's true-- a piece of paper can't protect you. And a woman trying to protect herself should NOT be made into a criminal.

No one should be.

David Codrea

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