Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ad Campaign to Deter "Gun Crime"

If you get caught with a gun on a felony charge, you're going to jail -- for a long time.

That's the message of an awareness campaign the Riviera Beach and West Palm Beach police and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives announced Wednesday.
Your tax dollars at work.


Anonymous said...

Is the ad campaign using that nutty little cop on the manhole cover? Do they know that was made in Red China? Do they care?

Oh, I forgot: The SCOTUS says it's time to throw out the Constitution and pattern ourselves after the world's tyrannies.

And what's with "Crime is Illegal"? Of course it is; that's why it's called crime! This redundancy is for two-year olds!

David Codrea said...

RJ, easy. That's just me being sarcastic.

Anonymous said...

O.K., O.K.

(Think Jacques, the shrimp, in "Finding Nemo", when he was caught cleaning the tank.)
"I am ashamed!"

NotClauswitz said...

At least they could add-in some Speed-Racer sounds, "Whaaa? Oh Trixie, Dont! It's Illegal!' (Pant-Pant)" - or something.