Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Crocodile Tears Dundee

Zoning permits were approved for the store, which also sells firearms, because it was classified as a sporting goods store, which is permitted by the East Dundee zoning codes. Firearm regulations are not specifically listed in the village's zoning codes...

Village Trustee Michael Ruffulo says he was caught by surprise that the sporting goods store was selling firearms. He said after permits were issued for the store, a picture of a gun was placed in the store's window, causing many residents to call the village hall to complain.

"It was a bit unsettling for everyone. It is along the bike path, where you have families that shouldn't have to see that," Ruffulo said.
Hide your eyes!

Oh my GOD, it was horrible!


Anonymous said...

Well, let's see here. We have Deborah Edwards who sells beads. Translation: New Age hippie gripes about guns from a self-righteous, pseudomoralistic postiton. We have a village idiot *ahem* trustee who doesn't know that sporting goods stores can sell guns. Not too bright on his part. We have people screaming that "families shouldn't have to see" anything gun related. Yeah, we can't have THAT! They might get the idea that guns are *gasp* O.K., and actually BUY one, and learn to shoot it safely!!

Looks like the fearmongering is working, Komrade!

What fools these mortals be!

BTW, Catinela was smart when he declined to be interviewed by the reporter. The store that supplied the cops with high powered rifles in the 1997 Burbank shootout was interviewed twice by the L.A. Times, and each time they turned it into a hit piece against the store in particular, and gunowners in general. The third time they showed up, the owners told them to get out in no uncertain terms!

Anonymous said...

I fear the only doctor Ruffulo will ever need is gynecologist, my God, what a hysterical p....., well, you get the idea.