More than 2,100 Bibb County eighth-graders are scheduled to sign pledges against gun violence at Macon's City Auditorium today, according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney's Office...
Five million other youths across the country also will sign the pledge, the release stated.
Let's hope the brainwashed little droolers are wearing their bibs.
Ain't it grand, how oathbreakers are coercing kids into taking oaths? Government oathbreakers--with an interest in conditiong the populace into tamely accepting disarmament?
In the interest of being a good (and obedient!) bürger, I've taken the liberty of designing an armband the kinder can wear to these jugend rallies:

trea·son (trē'zən) pronunciation
1. Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
hairy hobbit - Good, and accurate, point.
The time is getting short. They are amping up their attacks from all angles. There must be some type of 'master plan' time-table, and they have fallen behind schedule.
Sad part about it, is that our RIGHT was never supposed to be on the 'bargaining-table' to begin with.
It will only grow worse, unless we find the means to shut them down cold.
Something is most certainly wrong with this country when you see events like this happening in central Georgia.
Using German to make your point...good. The German, ehhhhh...
"Versprechen gegen Waffengewalttaetigkeit" is more what you're looking for.
Sorry for the nitpicking...I teach German, and have been speaking the language for over 20 years.
But I agree...teaching kids to lean left...I would not want the state teaching my kids anything in the way of status quo values.
Jeremy, guess what?
You just got "volunteered"!
Right now, I'm prisoner to Google translator.
On future German efforts, I'm gonna come your way begging for help before I post...
Well totem mine drache!
I've been thinking about this. There's one thing that gives me a little hope, and that is rebellion. Not the rebellion many people see coming soon, but the rebellion of youth. Much the same way that that "just say no", DARE, "safe sex" and all of the other school programs have failed, I hope that this too will backfire.
If you look at abortion and political views things don't always stay close to the tree when they fall.
We all know that kids and "young adults" are playing those evil video games, they're being told that guns are bad in school. OK, so now they're potentially gravitating TOWARDS guns. Printing gun safety rules, basic shooting books, and things like that just to scatter about where young folks might find them. After all, what did Eve do when told NOT to eat of the tree of knowledge? They WILL seek out verboten topics.
Perhaps going so far as to now organize inner city gun programs similar to what the YMCA or all these midnight basketball styled programs do, keep them off the streets, direct them towards something less destructive, and instill some basic respect of guns AND other people.
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