Friday, November 17, 2006

Carolyn Smith, Girl Reporter

For example, Madison has seen a record-breaking spate of bank robberies this year, and though it may be troubling to bankers and patrons alike, the robberies all have one thing in common: No one was hurt during them. Had some cowboy with a handgun seen one of the robberies taking place from outside and decided to take matters into his own hands, things may have ended differently. Perhaps he would have stopped the robbery and apprehended the suspect, or perhaps an innocent bystander would have gotten injured or killed.

There are reasons why those who can currently carry weapons — police — have to go through such extensive training. The rationale that allowing everyday people to carry weapons in public will make people safer, regardless of what criminals may be packing illegally, is ludicrous. Two wrongs do not make a right; and two weapons, no matter whose hands they are in, are by no means safer than one.
So keeping and bearing arms is a "wrong," not a right. Carolyn Smith said it, I believe it, that settles it.

Hey, Jeremy: Got a live one for ya.

The rest of you people--hell, you're just a bunch of "cowboys."

[Via Cousin G]


Anonymous said...

Carolyn places more trust in criminals to not harm her than the law-abiding to protect her.

How pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Anti-gun liberals only give you 2 options in case you are about to be a victim of a crime.

A. Flee
B. Do as the criminal says while praying that they choose to not harm you

If you are harmed it is the fault of the weapon or the criminal's home environment or you did not comply enough.

Police are the only ones that are allowed to fight the criminal.

In their eyes it is rarely the fault of the criminal or of the system that won't keep the scumbag behind bars.

Kent McManigal said...

Ms. Smith is ignoring the fact that cops shoot the wrong person much more often than armed citizens do. That and the fact that I find it morally empty to just go along with criminals to avoid getting hurt. It is our duty to stand up to evil, whether armed or not, so I would prefer to be on equal ground.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, what if this recent spike in robberies is being commited by the same person, god forbid someone plug him with a .45

Anonymous said...

Cowboys forever! As for those of you who don't like cowboys, y'all 're just a bunch'a commies!

Anonymous said...

She's still a youngin'. She hasn't been around long enough to know about the true realities of this world. Mom and Dad sheltered her and shuffled her off to college where things haven't gotten any better. I was a youngin' once, too, but I learned not to spout off on subjects which I knew nothing about or had any experience in.