Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Hey, Mitt: Conserve THIS!

“I’m a conservative Republican, there’s no question about that,” he said. “I’m at a different place than the other two.”
What a total and shameless fraud:
Mitt Romney on Gun Control
* Will support assault weapons bill and Brady Bill. (Aug 1994)
Looks like the Republicans are doing their damnedest to field "Hillary in '08" candidates...


lilfeathers2000 said...

Sad isn't it?
Have a
God Blessed Holiday

Anonymous said...

If the GOP's nominee for president in 2008 is McCain, Romney or Giuliani, we might as well all either stay home on election day or vote third party. "But, but, but. . . . that'll just help Hillary to win!!!"
So what? We might as well have her for POTUS as any one of the aforementioned three anti-gun RINOs!