Saturday, November 04, 2006

We're the Only Ones Fragging Enough

In yet another instance of fratricidal killings in the armed forces, an Assam Rifles captain and subedar were on Friday gunned down in Manipur by a havildar who later turned his service weapon on himself.
In the interests of cutting costs of high American labor and taking advantage of the global economy, WarOnGuns is experimenting with outsourcing "The Only Ones" accounts to India...

[Via Cousin G, who tells us: "A Havildar is an Infantry Sergeant in the Army of India; likewise, a Subedar is roughly equivalent to an Infantry Warrant Officer."]


E. David Quammen said...

Oh, come on David! Not you too......

I get tired of those accents on the phone! Now I'll have to read them as well?

Anonymous said...

Getting tired of the "accent" is understandable, however, your making light of murders isn't. Improve your outlook - be more christian in your words and focus on the misguided anti-gun hysteria - not hapless foreigners trying to make a living. They're ( I am an American - No hyphens even if you try to put one on me) not the problem.


David Codrea said...

Raj, I did not make light of murders--I decry that only those in authority are considered worthy to have guns, and we can plainly see from irrefutable evidence presented in "The Only Ones" files that this is true. That's the whole point.

As for the outsourcing quip, lighten up. That's not an attack on foreigners, but it is an observation on a trade policy that focuses on globalism and the inequities it presents rather than US policy devoted to securing the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

As long as Americans are forced to compete on an unlevel playing field, I'll not apologize for pointing this out in what is, after all, my online journal.

As for being more Christian, I'm sure there are no motes in your eye.