WARNING: The stories are "adult" in nature, that is, if you consider sexual predation and perversion to be adult qualities. If you think you might be offended, stop reading now.
We're the Only Ones Rubbed the Wrong Way Enough
At least six Inglewood police officers are suspected of having on- and off-duty sex at massage parlors and other adult businesses targeted in a recent crackdown on the businesses, according to officials. Acting Chief Julius Davis said his department is investigating the allegations of sexual favors in exchange for protection from prosecution, but he added that there is no evidence of criminal acts.
"We have not found anything that indicates there's any criminal conduct involved," Davis said.
No, of course not, Chief. Between that and the rape the FBI is investigating, the mask-wearing, the gun-pointing, the exposing, the fact that nobody's been fired and you're conducting your own hen house investigation, why on earth would anyone suspect a crime has been committed? It sounds like just another day at the Inglewood PD...
We're the Only Ones Gender-Bending (Over) Enough
City Council members have asked the state attorney general's office to investigate claims of sexual misconduct, racism and brutality at the police department after residents complained officers were mistreating Hispanic immigrants.
What, you mean declaring itself a "sanctuary city" just ensured an undocumented victim pool in Maywood that could be exploited? Who could have guessed?
My favorite revelation:
One of the claims under investigation is that a high-ranking officer forced a transsexual man to have sex with him multiple times over seven years, the newspaper reported.
We're the Only Ones Coming Into Your Life (and Your Open Car Window) Enough
No one disputes that an on-duty Irvine police officer got an erection and ejaculated on a motorist during an early-morning traffic stop in Laguna Beach. The female driver reported it, DNA testing confirmed it and officer David Alex Park finally admitted it.
Hmmm. Sounds like a moving violation.
[Via Tavis S]
We're the Only Ones Exposed Enough
Former U.S. Rep. Joseph M. McDade has been charged with exposing himself to two women Jan. 18 near a southwest Florida beach, police there said Wednesday.
You'll recall that the "Only Ones" designation isn't reserved exclusively for LEOs, but applies to all government elites "with power and abilities far beyond those of mortal men."
I went after McDade over 10 years ago, first because he was a Republican who supported the federal "assault weapons" ban, but also, because when indicted for conspiracy, bribery and racketeering, the coward tried to use the Constitution's speech or debate clause to claim legal immunity.

"Isn't it hypocritical," I wrote at the time, "that this individual should reject the plain language of the Bill of Rights and then use a cynically manipulative misinterpretation of that same Constitution in a desperate attempt to save his skin?"
It looks like this time, McDade doesn't need anyone else to expose him for being what he is.
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
It gives new meaning to the phrase "PC gone wild"
How much more proof do we need? This corrupted system needs excised. It shall only grow 'progressively' worse unless something is done about it. We The People need to unite.
Good Lord. You've taken the "Only Ones" files to a new level. Or they did anyway.
Effing scum, this really pisses me off, thanks for the inspiration.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
don't KILL scum politicians
who grievously break the law
just give them probation
All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.
Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
Help Halt Terrorism Today!
The Inglewood cops did it,I know they did.The same thing goes on in Huntington,WV,a place no one has heard of.The hookers have good buddies on the police force it would seem.
I suppose the local cops are emulating the Detroit cops and filling in some of those mortgage payments with hot cash.
What are the dope dealers going to say,"I wuz robbed?"
I trying to not be bitter,but truthful.
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