Thursday, July 19, 2007

Not What I Would Have Done

Gottlieb has called on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to open a criminal investigation.

I understand the motivation to make the antis suffer the consequences of their outrageous hypocrisy, but I would have stopped at bringing the situation of criminality to light. I would not have endorsed any course of action that would have "legitimized" the BATFU thugs or the treasonous edicts they enforce in the eyes of the public.

It's the same principle I've tried to apply to Snuffy Pfleger.


me said...

But because Bailey didn’t keep the gun, it’s unlikely he broke any federal laws, said Randy Chapman, president of the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and a former prosecutor. “I don’t see a criminal intent there. I just see someone facilitating a news story,” he said.

Man, to use the "logic" involved here for only one's one has to stand on their head, give a contortionist and a 13 year old Russian a run for their money.

How about if it read like this: But because Bailey didn’t keep the crack cocaine, it’s unlikely he broke any federal laws, said Randy Chapman, president of the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and a former prosecutor. “I don’t see a criminal intent there. I just see someone facilitating a news story,” he said.

The "law" was STILL broken, disposing of the evidence just tacks ANOTHER law on, it doesn't do away with the first crime jackhole! I can't imagine why lawyers are despised in this country.

Anonymous said...

I've gone round and round on this issue before. Someone once asked me (facetiously I think): So if they were packing ethnic folks into the boxcars would you point out the apartment full of ethnics that they'd missed?

After giving it some thought I replied (and my reply would be the same today): If I knew absolutely that the ethnics in the apartment had worked to get the 'boxcar' laws passed, then yes I would.

The same holds true for the anti-gunners. They work as hard as they can to create labarynthine laws with draconian punishments, attempting make ordinary gun-owners into criminals, so when they break those same laws that they have been screeching for I am perfectly happy to see them locked up in federal prison for a decade or two.

My Buddhist sister would tell me that I am not being compassionate, and I agree comletely, but it is very personally satisfying to watch someone get hoist on their own petard and listen to their cries of "But I'm not a criminal! I didn't do anything wrong!" (By which, of course, they mean they violated a malum prohibitum law.)

I believe it was George McGovern who went bankrupt attempting to run a Bed & Breakfast after he left the Senate, and was quoted as saying "If I knew what effect those laws I was passing had on businessmen, I would have never have voted for them." But these jackasses don't even admit that they did something illegal; they maintain that their 'intent' was pure, therefore they are innocent of wrongdoing, and I personally would love to see them go through the unremitting hell that they and their ilk have called down on true innocents like Red's.

Anonymous said...

DAvid, gotta go with BWK here. Also, I would point out your call to consistency regarding "Marky" Mark as opposed to their treatment of Fincher.

I don't believe Gottlieb believes for a minute that the thugs at Batfe will proceed against this admitted gun felon. He is just pointing out their hypocrisy and loyalty to an unconstitutional cause, not the law, as you have often done.

David Codrea said...

Actually, SA, I believe I am being consistent with Pokey-Poke. I point out that he violates the law, but haven't called for the laws he violated to be enforced against him. I specifically stated in a related post:
"I would never report this to the feds, although I won't let the possibility that they lurk here from time to time inhibit what I have to say--as far as I'm concerned, Mr. Wahlberg should have exactly the same claim to the Second Amendment we all do, as should all others free to live outside of custodial restraint imposed via due process."

Don't get me wrong, and that includes, you, Bruce and Alan--I will shed no tears if the antis face criminal charges and punishments. They deserve same more than anyone.

Where I admit I'm being inconsistent is with my stated philosophy of "any chair in a bar fight."

Anonymous said...

Very interesting...

It appears that the straw purchaser got a visit from the ATF and the Manchester NH cops...


"...two ATF agents and a Manchester, N.H., cop visited Belair at his work the same day. They had a search warrant and a tape of the radio interview. They wanted to know about the gun, Rosenthal, and me. Belair told them the gun was at home; they went there later in the day, and confiscated it."

Hmmm... the plot thickens....

Anonymous said...

I don't think the link looks right.

Broken onto 2 lines instead....

Anonymous said...

Bruce W. Krafft wrote:
> My Buddhist sister would tell me that I am not being compassionate

Perhaps you should explain to your Buddhist sister that sometimes the most compassionate thing you can do is to just get out of the way and let their karma catch up with them.

Mark Odell