Wednesday, August 08, 2007

"Now That's a Recordkeeping Error!"

David Hardy shows how good the government is at keeping track of its own guns.

And they're shutting down private dealers for accepting "Y" and "N" on their stupid form instead of "Yes" and "No"?


Anonymous said...

Markie Marxist sez: "Don't be so surprised, David. You know the purpose of gun control is to put private sector gun owners, dealers and manufacturers out of business.
It wouldn't matter if the government loses track of a million guns because it doesn't fit our agenda. We're Marxists. Our values run this country. We own the media, academia, Hollywood, government, some states, all major cities, most churches, etc. We're only trying to put the private sector out of business, not the public sector. Ya just gotta get hip to our Communist trip!"

David Goodyear said...

"...and who watches the watchers...."