Thursday, August 30, 2007

What About True "Assault Weapons"?

Yuri Orlov doesn't know what to say about NRA Director Joaquin Jackson's arrogance and ignorance. Can anyone help him out via "Comments"?

In an update, Sebastian points us to the NRA Damage Control page, where Jackson tells us he didn't mean semiautos, and when he was talking about limiting magazine capacity to 5 rounds, he was talking about for hunting, not from general ownership.

That's not what I heard him say, and while I am inclined to forgive some people for speaking poorly on camera, Jackson still reveals an elitist bent in his "clarification":
In the interview, when asked about my views of “assault weapons,” I was talking about true assault weapons – fully automatic firearms. I was not speaking, in any way, about semiautomatic rifles. While the media may not understand this critical distinction, I take it very seriously. But, as a result, I understand how some people may mistakenly take my comments to mean that I support a ban on civilian ownership of semiautomatic firearms. Nothing could be further from the truth...

I can't find any other conclusion to draw from this than he does support banning full autos from civilian possession. I don't know what the hell Jackson thinks the Second Amendment is about, but he certainly hasn't demonstrated a competent understanding of the unalienable right of the people to keep and bear arms to deserve a leadership position.

And here's the thing about NRA's professionally crafted introductory statement that we shouldn't let slide:
We will continue, as we have in the past, to vigorously oppose any efforts to limit gun ownership by law-abiding citizens as an unconstitutional infringement on our Second Amendment freedoms. These efforts include opposition to any attempts to ban firearms, including firearms incorrectly referred to as "assault weapons"...
Note they didn't say anything about firearms correctly referred to as "assault weapons."

[Via Paul Grant]


Anonymous said...

Seems like the NRA has an agenda that is beginning to run counter to gun rights. Scary considering how much money they have, and how much goodwill from those who don't know any better. Misdirection is almost worse than outright opposition from the anti's. At least everyone knows where the anti's stand.

I joined Gun Owners of America last week. No compromise.

Anonymous said...

I worry about our use of the words "assault weapon." I killed a poisonous snake Mon. night with an assault weapon. I beat it to death with a child's baseball bat. Semi vs full auto have no meaning in distinguishing between assault and non-assault weapons. The assault weapon of Vietnam - full-auto, WWII- semi-auto, WWI- bolt action, War of Northern Aggression- muzzle loading, 2K yrs ago- rocks. If we 'give' them the 'fact' that only full-autos are assault weapons, then this same logic will follow as they take away the rest of the guns.

David Codrea said...

Good points, anon.

Brian said...

Outrageous. My email to the NRA:

"I have just seen Joaquin Jackson's interview, and read his subsequent response. I am completely outraged that a director would make such outrageous comments and then completely glaze over them in his press release. Does Mr. Jackson not realize that the 2nd amendment is not about hunting or about the government dictating what types of firearms people can and cannot own? If I recall correctly, our citizen soldiers of the revolution had access to the same weapon technology as their foes. They fought, won, and set forth the provision that all Americans would have their guaranteed right.
Mr. Jackson needs to be removed as a Director immediately. Until the NRA realizes that it is damaging not only itself, but the rights of all Americans which such viewpoints are held, my donation dollars will continue to be routed to other organizations."

Anonymous said...

All these are good points, and I agree that individually-served machineguns are probably more directly relevant to the 2A than many other guns, especially "sporting" arms like 30-30s and double-barrel shotguns. But let us remember the fact that machine-guns are already practically illegal anyways, and try to take a lesson from economics: strive for marginal gains, rather than demanding all or nothing. And if we demand machineguns we will lose support among the suburban majority of this country who we might be able to convince otherwise. All or nothing begets NOTHING. We should join the GOA AND the NRA.

Anonymous said...

My post above on full vs semi was not a call for everyone to have full-auto or nothing. The average first time user of a full-auto is not as dangerous as a first time user of a single shot 12 gauge (an opinion derived from going to a machine gun festival.) I didn't think all or none was what I was conveying. My point was strictly the use of the word 'assault' in front of weapon as if that made a difference in whether it could kill or not kill. My story (true, including the baseball bat and the copperhead) illustrates the point. My stance was not to be construed by the posting as an 'all or none' proposition. We didn't get into this shape overnight and we aren't getting out that quickly either. If the wording from the left is 'machine gun,' 'machine pistol' or 'full-auto,' I understand what they are saying. But, the left is using communist-type propaganda to demonize the 2nd amendment. If they say assault weapon, I ask myself was it a baseball bat, a 12 guage or a #2 pencil? By the way David, this is Sam/SamenoKami. For some reason my password to the Google/Blogger doesn't work even though I've changed it twice.

Anonymous said...

My statement to NRA:

I read the statement allegedly written by Mr. Jackson regarding his statements in a video.
I have had problems with the NRA's position on various issues, as have others. For example, your rating system for various candidates leaves a lot to be desired. I have written before about that issue.
But I watched a video in which an NRA director states: "I think these assault weapons basically need to be in the hands of the military and they need to be in the hands of the police, but as far as assault weapons to a civilian, ... it's alright if you got that magazine capacity down to five rounds."
The "statement" by Mr. Jackson may be accurate when he states that he is opposed to magazine restrictions. But his statement in his video belies his alleged opposition to such magazine restrictions.
His “statement” is also insulting to anyone who watched the video. Mr. Jackson plainly stated what he stated – the error doesn’t lie with the people who watched the video.
Many NRA members are hunters, (as am I) and many are not. But I'm confident that most are ardent Second Amendment supporters.
As everyone knows, Article II of the Bill of Rights is not about hunting. I hunt, and I am offended by his statement, just as I was by Jim Zumbo's statements about so-called "assault weapons."
The NRA should take note about an Idaho Senator who pled guilty to what many feel is depraved conduct - hitting on someone for casual sex in a public restroom. I don't care if someone is gay or not - a public restroom is NOT the place for performing sexual acts, or for trying to pick up someone likewise inclined. I understand that this Senator is now going to resign, and I support that resignation - even though he was essentially a friend of gun owners.
I'm quite sure that the statements by Mr. Jackson will not go away either.
I will be content with his resignation - not a statement which amounts to a diaphanous attempt at obfuscation, and a slight at the people who watched his video.
Mr. Jackson clearly stated his position in videotape. How does one get around this statement: "I think these assault weapons basically need to be in the hands of the military and they need to be in the hands of the police, but as far as assault weapons to a civilian, ... it's alright if you got that magazine capacity down to five rounds." ???
His video speaks for itself.
We don't need Bradyite sycophants speaking for the NRA.
Mr. Jackson should resign, effective immediately. Perhaps he should join the AHSA instead.

This guy needs to be Zumboed.

David Codrea said...

Sam--no idea about Blogger passwords--as I've admitted on more than one occasion in re my computer literacy. I can barely operate one of those toddler toys that make the cow say "Moo" when you pull the ring cord.

To all: Sam is the fine activist who prodded me into doing the feedback report on Aug. 28 ammo purchases and generously donated the Red's cap to the winner.

Anonymous said...

I didn't seee the video,but I'm not surprised at all. The NRA has not shown much support for the 2nd Amendment in years. It gives lip service..but..when it comes to actually standing up for it, it looks the other way. I've called them several times regarding their involvement with the Anti-gun crowd to "fix" the NICS data base. The reply I got was pure anti-gun, anti-2nd amendment,and totally opposite their often stated position. The entire NICS, as well as the form 4473 needs to be done away with, but, because THEY support it, we are stuck with it. My advice is to dump the NRA and join GOA. Maybe, if we hit them in the money belt, where it hurts, put their big money jobs on the line, they MIGHT come around. Until them though, don't give them a dime.

Concerned American said...

A new blog with updates on the petition to recall Jackson from the NRA Board:

Many thanks to Jeff82 for spearheading this effort.

If you are an NRA Life memeber or an annual member with at least the past five years' consecutive membership, please consider signing the petition to remove Jackson.

Everyone else, please pass the word far and wide.

Thanks in advance!

Concerned American said...

Recall Joaquin Jackson Petition & Blog