Monday, January 07, 2008

BATFU's Mouthpiece

I've been meaning to make a comment about a post at Joe Huffman's, that I found out about at Jed's.

It seems this BATFU character Tom Mangan is abusing his position to insert agenda-driven editorial comments into what should be straight news stories, and the "Authorized Journalists" are more than happy to let him get away with it. That the bureau under "Maximum Mike" hasn't reined in his shameless self promotion can only mean it serves Sullivan's purposes.

Maybe Mangan's interested in advancing in the ranks after the presidential elections, or bucking for a position over at Crime Gun Solutions/AHSA if things don't work out...?

Let's hope it's the latter. The thought of this guy getting even more power should not sit well with anyone interested in gun rights.


Anonymous said...

Wal-mart--get you get an AR at Wal-mart, in my area Wal-mart pulled there rifles out of there stores over an year ago.

Ryan Horsley said...

It is amazing how many ATF employees display a bias against guns. I was still shocked when our inspector in 2005 stated that he personally didn't believe that anyone should own guns.
The shock was not that he felt that way but that he openly admitted it.

Ryan Horsley said...
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