Monday, January 07, 2008

We're the Only Ones Killing Over Drugs Enough

Police shot a woman to death and injured her 1-year-old son during a raid on the home of a man charged with a drug crime, police said Saturday
In another account, we find:
[Wilson] was killed by police as she held her baby...

[O]fficers were aware that children were inside the home because there were toys in the yard outside and on the front porch.
As long as we have the militarization of "Only Ones," the war on citizens will produce "collateral damages." For those inclined to judge the adults living in the house as having brought things on themselves, it could be just a matter of time before the contraband being sought is firearms--and think how much more incentive the invasion force will have to come in heavy and on edge when they're expecting armed-to-the-teeth occupants.

[Via Jeff R]


Anonymous said...

David, I know that some people will believe that the inhabitants "brought it on themselves". However, until they are convicted by a court of their peers then they have not 'brought it on themselves'. There was no immediate danger to anyone.One thing that many of the aforementioned people do not recognize is that this could happen to them. All it takes is a cop juxtaposing a couple of numbers, or otherwise misreading the address and any one of us could have our doors smashed in. They need to realize that just because someone is arrested does not mean that they are guilty of anything.

The thing that is really sick is that I doubt that the LEOs responsible will get anything more than a slap on the wrist for murdering the mother of a young child. The Weaver incident sets a sad precedent.

Kent McManigal said...

The War on (some) Drugs is a disgusting abomination that does more to destroy freedom, including the right to bear arms, than just about anything else. It's got to end.

Anonymous said...

Gregg is right. The Human-killing cyborg, Lon Horiuchi, [hawk, spit!] is still at liberty, still employed, and still alive.

There's no justice where the Only Ones are concerned.

Anonymous said...

I predict the day is not far off when entire police departments become hunted like vermin by the populations of their cities where this has become so commonplace.

And I cannot find it morally wrong. I suspect many others will feel the same.

That is the real shame. That actions we would normally find reprehensible become a moral mandate due to the depredations on the public by those whose job it was to serve, rather than oppress like an occupying military power.

Anonymous said...

Check out the Lima Swat web site, these guys are pissers. How nice of them to provide no concealed carry signs for those who are terrified of gun carrying non "only ones". Now if we could just get them to provide "NO SWAT ALLOWED" signs.

me said...

the cops confused a baby with a gun?

Can we require cops pass 4th grade before they can kick down doors?

A long term, just like Waco, and YET AGAIN they go in to do the most damage, guns blazing with children present. "It's for the children" they chant. This time it seems like they finally got what they wanted. If it was a long term investigation, why not pop the guy at his supplier you fucking cowards!

Anonymous said...

Hear Hear!

The are laws higher than what are on the books - they're called natural rights and whomever shall violate them will be in true violation.

At the risk of being cliche:
"Now you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim.It is your evil that will be sought by us.With every breath, we shall hunt them down.Each day we will spill their blood til it rains down from the skies.Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal, these are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.These are not polite suggestions. These are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.There are varying degrees of evil, we urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain. But if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three and on that day you will reap it. And we will send you to which ever god you wish.And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. We shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti"

Molon Labe! said...

Well Spoken, straightarrow!

As the trite-but-true bumpersticker says "I love my country, but I fear my government"

I would gladly participate in a Constitutional enforcement action against the occupying ski-mask-wearing forces, myself.

How many innocents have been murdered for the sake of saving someone from themselves? Yes--drug abuse causes societal harm. But drug laws cause orders of magnitude more harm to society in the form of diminished respect for police, violent crime to pay for artificially overpriced drugs, grossly overzealous enforcement efforts, and corruption to the highest levels.

Where exactly in the Constitution does it specify what I can or cannot do with my primary piece of property--that is, my own body??