Thursday, March 06, 2008

Human Rights and Gun Confiscation

Ordinary Kenyans are not even allowed to possess bows and arrows,and the bow laws, too, are applied discriminately. Government security agents can therefore safely assume that every ordinary person with a bow or gun lacks a license, and thus the police can shoot to kill with impunity.
David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant and Joanne D. Eisen have given us more required reading.

Truly. Some of the examples they cite will shock and enrage you.

I've only had time to scan through this, but plan on reserving an hour later when I can come back and give this the attention I can see it deserves. I suggest if you don't have that hour right now to do the same.

This is important stuff, and it's really not all that hard to envision it happening here if things sufficiently degrade.

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