Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A GLOWing Review for Common Sense Gun Control

The owners of Glow Inc. support the legal and responsible ownership of weapons by both law enforcement and citizens. In the unfortunate scenario where there is a need to discharge a weapon, improved accuracy lowers the probability of injury to an innocent bystander. We feel that phosphorescent paint is a vital component of increasing this accuracy in dark environments. Your typical criminal will not take the effort or pay the cost to apply phosphorescent paint to his weapons. Therefore, we believe that making this information available is for the good of the community and hopefully will save a few innocent lives.

Accuracy control is important?

So--to use another example--when anti-gun legislators vote to ban pistol grips or thumb hole stocks that help stabilize a rifle, they're actually creating a more dangerous situation where the likelihood of hitting something besides what you're aiming at is increased--and doing it in the name of "common sense gun control"?

Anyway, kudos to GLOW, Inc. for advocating common sense gun control that is, in fact, sensible.

[Via Paul W. Davis]

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