Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Nightmare Assault on Public Safety!!!

State legislators should reject the National Rifle Association’s incessant demands to water down sensible gun-control laws.

In the organization’s latest assault on common sense and public safety, the NRA is pushing for a change in state laws that would allow anyone to carry a gun in a motor vehicle as long as it is in a case and unloaded.

Yeah, really. That is just insane.

What earthly reason could a citizen have to keep a gun in the car?

Or anywhere else for that matter, since "common sense" applies everywhere?

Besides, it'll give "The Only Ones" nightmares.

I wonder if these hysterical ninnies ever actually listen to themselves? Good grief, you don't suppose a "man" wrote this, do you?


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute...'splain to me again just who it is that's assaulting "common sense" here?

A pseudoman wrote this, but not a real man.

Anonymous said...

How are people to turn in a gun for a free turkey if they can't put the gun in their car to take it to the cop shop?
How do you go to the range, gun shop, gun smith, hunting if you can't take the firearm in your car. I believe liberals want people to have to go to the police and get a permit to transport their firearm to, the range, gun shop, gun smith, hunting. They will need to fill out a bunch of paperwork listing their gun and its numbers, their home address, car or truck to be used and who insures it. The day the firearm will be in the car along with the time of day.

Anonymous said...

Sporting use. Unloaded and cased on the way to and from the range only. Your carjacker will appreciate it.
And don't forget the Brian Puckett Commemorative pink ribbon around the barrel. He said some gun owners would do that if the Powers mandated it.
I don't keep my registration in the glove compartment. Can you guess why?
And I'm not even a criminal. Oops. Guess I am now.
The more nonsensical their demands, the more free we gotta be.

Kent McManigal said...

We are all "criminals" since "crime" is the word for those who do not obey every single one of the state's edicts. That matters to me less than whether it is rainy in China. The only thing that matters is whether you are an aggressor.