Sunday, May 18, 2008

"This is Not to Belittle Violent Crime in the Parks..."

Yes it is.

That's exactly what it's intended to do, along with disparaging human rights and dignity, and assaulting the character of your countrymen just because you live in miserable fear and distrust.

Left to your "logic," people would not be able to keep and bear arms anywhere.

If you want to belittle someone, why not pick contemptible elitists and police state-empowering liars...?

[Via Plug Nickel Times]


Anonymous said...

Wanting hungry bears and insane criminals to have the advantage doesn't sound very Christian to me. That must be that rogue branch, EXTINCTION theology.
Certainly some of the would-be self-defenders on vacation are their readers. "Hey, we think you should DIE, but buy our magazine anyway before you do."

Anonymous said...

This article is consistent with the insanity of Christian Science theology itself.

Only people with a crippling inability to think and reason rationally and coherently, and desperate to create any pattern of stability in their inchoate lives, however imaginary that pattern may be, become Christian Scientists.

If I have offended, deal with it. I'm not in the mood to be conciliatory.