Thursday, September 18, 2008

Attack of the Subversive Fudds

There are differences of opinion on whether Obama's stance on gun ownership actually supports gun owners.
No there aren't, his tyranical hostility is a matter of documented fact--although liars would certainly like to create the impression that it all boils down to opinion.

That the media won't look into AHSA beyond their claims that they are "a gun rights group" goes beyond shallowness, laziness and ignorance. Many of then have been told about the group's true nature, yet continue to act as shills--which tells us all we need to know about their agenda and integrity.

And "Republicans for Obama" tells us everything we need to know about the dangers of making the "Big Tent" so inclusive that Constitutional fidelity is pushed out of the center ring.


Anonymous said...

Here's the proof Oboma is a Piece of Shit to the core.
He runs race baiting ads that address targeted groups to have them hate other citizens of this country. He has an ad for Mexicans, another for blacks and other ads for woman. Every ad is different but all have one under lying message, white men are evil, very evil.

Anonymous said...

You should warn us before you post stuff like that... When I read that exerpt I almost exploded in laughter.

Kent McManigal said...

OBAMcCAIN's position on guns does not recognize my absolute human right to own and to carry any type of weapon I choose, everywhere I go, in what ever manner I see fit, without asking permission from anyone, ever. That's enough for me.

Sean said...

Much as there are differences of opinion whether the failures in solving the "Jewish Question" were leadership or administrative failures. It defies belief that Husssein is getting such a pass on the truth of what he stands for, but so many lies have already been told, to so many millions, few if any are paying any attention. And lies are what topple civilizations. Few are getting the truth, and the deafening chorus of lies for political gain, cause the dangers to be ignored. When Alaric showed up at the gates of Rome, the Romans inside were still screaming insults and accusations at each other. How many illegal aliens are living here?

Kent McManigal said...

Where the hurling of insults occurs, "each other" includes "illegal aliens".
Any brand of authoritarianism is a mortal threat to liberty. Don't buy into it. No government anywhere owns you or me. If you accept that they do, then you accept that they can control what you own or where you live.

David Codrea said...

Sorry, Kent.

I'm not ready to admit any Al Quaeda operative who wants to come on over and stroll freely about.

When a libertarian society has been attained where private property owners can admit whoever they wish to their property and their "guests" will never intrude or make demands on anyone else's property, then it will be none of my business. I understand there should be no welfare, there should be no public schools, there should be no publicly-financed healthcare, that even roads can be privately funded in the same way as pedestrian aisles in malls. I understand that all this can be done on a contractual admission basis.

I understand the concept of no nation state. If we survive the barabaric age, that may be the world that emerges. I even understand the Constitution is not the end-all of societal constructs, and that some day, most of what we take for granted as being necessities that only government can handle may be viewed as horribly primitive and self-defeating. That is not the world we are in, and not likely to be for the foreseeable future.

Right now, like it or not, we have what we have. And this is exploited to the detriment of us all.

The social structures that are the ideal libertarian world goal have not yet been erected. In the structure that exists, to adopt blind-eyed laissez faire would ensure balkanization, and when you have two or more disparate cultures competing for the same territory, you have, at best, tension. As the disparity increases, so does the tension. At worst, you have hell on earth.

Do we work to build freedom structures? Sure, and competitively, to allow for superior ideas to dominate. Are there impediments in the way? of course--that's why we're here every day.

Open the floodgates immediately as you recommend and it will destroy us.

I don't want to hijack this post, because I want to keep things on topic, but felt I needed to address your comment before it was derailed. Why not do a post on your blog--show us how we could just open all borders and ports to all comers, right now, with the structures in place that such an action would certainly collide with, and demonstrate how my understanding is wrong. I'll give you a link and you can overcome everyone's misconceptions and objections in comments there.

Anonymous said...

avgJoe, got any links for those ads? I haven't seen anybody's ads here. Probably helps that I don't watch much network TV...